Underground Storage Tank Program
The Underground Storage Tank program will continue to function solely for UST and UST-related tasks. The goal of the UST Program is to protect human health and the environment by preventing releases of petroleum and hazardous substances from UST systems. The release of these regulated products into the environment threatens soil and groundwater resources and can cause explosive vapors to seep into confined spaces and occupied residences.
To help prevent contamination caused by leaking tanks, tank owners and operators must comply with state rules for UST’s. The objectives of the UST program are to ensure that UST systems are properly constructed and designed, installations, repairs, and removals are conducted and inspected by qualified individuals, active USTs are properly operated and monitored for releases, and USTs are properly closed and/or removed and the sites properly assessed for contamination.
How do I submit information to the UST Division and UST Contact information (click here)
Online Fee Payment Information
The Underground Storage Tank Division is currentlyill be accepting updated registration forms, Underground Storage Tank registration fees, Underground Storage Tank Certified Worker Initial and Renewal Applications with associated fess online, without the hassle of writing a check or mailing a payment. For information on how to submit your payments online along with applications and registration forms click on the links below:
UST Grant Program
Effective January 1, 2024, the Department will be accepting applications for a new UST Grant Program. The Department published new regulations which allows us to issue grants to eligible UST owners to help in the cost of upgrading single wall underground storage tanks systems to double wall systems. For more information on eligibility requirements and applications click here.
Emergency Power Generator Underground Storage Tank System
Emergency power generator UST systems in Louisiana must have met release detection requirements as follows:
- UST systems installed before August 9, 2009 must have begun using a form of release detection before September 20, 2021.
- UST systems installed on or after August 9, 2009 must have met the secondary containment with interstitial monitoring requirements at installation.
EPA has finalized and published new guidance and resources on emergency power generator UST systems on June 3, 2022. The following documents, as described by EPA below, are now available on the EPA OUST website:
- Federal UST Requirements for Emergency Power Generator UST Systems: https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-05/epg-ust-system-requirements.pdf
- This booklet summarizes the full gamut of federal UST requirements for EPGs - installation, reporting, spill and overfill prevention, corrosion protection, release detection, walkthrough inspections, compatibility, operator training, repairs, financial responsibility, release response, and closure.
- This also covers Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) related regulatory requirements specific to emergency power generator UST systems.
- Owner and Operator Introduction: Automated Interstitial Monitoring Systems for Underground Pressurized Piping on EPG UST Systems: https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-05/aim-systems-owner-operator-intro.pdf
- This document describes a new option for EPG UST system owners and operators to use interstitial monitoring to meet the line leak detector requirement of the federal UST regulation. EPA has determined this option, termed “automated interstitial monitoring (AIM) system,” may be used to meet the dual release detection requirements for pressurized piping systems at EPG UST systems. This document provides basic information and introduces EPG UST system owners and operators to AIM systems.
- The document also contains forms and checklists to assist with verifying AIM system compliance with UST implementing agencies and for complying with periodic testing requirements for AIM systems. AIM systems are optional, and UST implementing agency requirements may differ. UST system owners and operators should contact their UST implementing agency to determine whether they allows the use of an AIM system, and whether the forms and checklists meet the agency’s documentation requirements.
- In Indian Country, where the federal UST regulation applies and AIM systems are allowable, UST owners and operators should submit forms to the applicable EPA regional office.
- In-Depth Discussion: Automated Interstitial Monitoring Systems for Underground Pressurized Piping on Emergency Power Generator UST Systems: https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-05/aim-systems-in-depth-discussion.pdf
- This document contains a more complete discussion about AIM systems (the introduction document does not address all issues). This includes background and technical information on the EPA’s recognition of using automated interstitial monitoring systems to meet federal release detection requirements for underground pressurized piping systems on EPG UST systems.
- This document can also assist UST system installers, fuel system designers, and other qualified professionals when installing or modifying fuel storage systems to meet federal UST regulatory requirements for underground pressurized piping systems.
In addition to these new documents, a reminder that EPA previously provided responses to questions on several important issues regarding EPG UST systems. EPA made these responses available to the public in our UST Technical Compendium about the 2015 Federal UST Regulations under the subject Emergency Power Generators: https://www.epa.gov/ust/underground-storage-tank-ust-technical-compendium-about-2015-ust-regulation. Q&A topics include:
- Determining if emergency power generator systems must comply with federal UST regulation.
- Release detection requirements for piping operating at atmospheric pressure.
- Complying with National Fire Protection Association 110 to meet the federal UST regulation.
- Visual-based assessments for above ground tanks (e.g. day tanks) that are part of EPG UST systems.
LDEQ UST Division accepts Automated Interstitial Monitoring (AIM) as a valid form of pressurized piping release detection and recognizes that it meets the line leak detector release detection requirements only for emergency power generator UST systems.
The Certificate of Compliance form must be completed and signed by either an LDEQ-certified worker, a licensed professional engineer, or a licensed professional geoscientist. The form must be maintained by the facility and made available for review by the department. The form is not required to be submitted to LDEQ in order to use AIM as a release detection method.
Please contact Samuel Broussard at Samuel.broussard@la.gov or (337) 262-5744 with any questions.
Final Guidelines for the Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Cathodic Protection Systems
The LDEQ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Division has finalized the guidance document titled “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Cathodic Protection Systems” on July 15, 2020. All comments received during the draft review period were incorporated into the final document. In order to allow additional time for UST owners, CP testers, and certified workers to become familiar with the requirements contained in the guidance document, the guidance document will become effective on October 15, 2020.
Louisiana Underground StorageTank Regulations Effective September 20, 2018
The revised Louisiana UST regulations, UT018, will become final and effective on September 20, 2018.
All of the regulations will become effective on September 20, 2018.
- The specific requirements outlined below will have different compliance dates: Emergency power generator UST systems installed prior to August 9, 2009, will need to begin performing UST system release detection on or before September 20, 2021 (LAC 33:XI.101.A.1.b)
- First monthly and annual walkthrough inspections will need to take place on or before September 20, 2021 (LAC 33:XI.513)
- First three-year spill bucket testing, containment sumps used for interstitial monitoring testing, and overfill equipment inspections (LAC 33:XI.511)
- Facilities in use before September 20, 2018, first test will need to take place on or before September 20, 2021
- Facilities installed after September 20, 2018, first test will need to take place at installation
- Annual shear valve testing (LAC 33:XI.515)
- Facilities in use before September 20, 2018, first test will need to take place on or before September 20, 2021
- Facilities installed after September 20, 2018, first test will need to take place at installation
- Annual release detection equipment operation and maintenance testing will need to take place on or before September 20, 2021 (LAC 33:XI.703.A.2.d)
- Airport hydrant systems and field-constructed tanks (LAC 33:XI.Chapter 8)
- Facilities in use before September 20, 2018, all LAC 33:XI.Chapter 8 UST requirements before September 20, 2021
- Facilities installed after September 20, 2018, all LAC 33:XI. Chapter 8 UST requirements apply at installation
Links to UST Information
Proposed EPA Rulemaking - E15 Fuel Dispenser Labeling and Compatibility with Underground Storage Tanks (EPA will accept comments on the proposed rulemaking through April 19, 2021
Reminder of Upcoming UST Compliance Implementation Time Frames (9/20/2021)
The regulation changes (UT018) can be found on the Monthly Regulation Changes 2018 page under September.
UST Regulation changes PowerPoint presentation updated 12/21/2018
LAC 33:XI.Underground Storage Tanks with the UT018 changes incorporated are available on the LDEQ website.
New Louisiana Underground Storage Tank Rules Brochure
EPA UST Technical Compendium about the 2015 UST Regulation
LDEQ-Approved Alternative Testing Protocols for Containment Sumps and Spill Prevention Equipment
- LDEQ UST Containment Sump Integrity Verification Under High Water Table Conditions
- LDEQ UST Containment Sump Low Liquid Level Hydrostatic Test
- All Secondary and Spill Containment Test Methods listed on https://neiwpcc.org/nwglde/
- Dri-sump Containment Tightness Testing
UST Operation and Maintenance Walkthrough Inspection Forms
- LDEQ Monthly and Annual Periodic Operation and Maintenance Walkthrough Inspection Checklist
- Link to PEI RP900: UST Inspection and Maintenance (2017 Edition) Document and Walkthrough Inspection Checklists
UST Spill, Overfill, Secondary Containment, Shear Valve, and Leak Detection Equipment Testing/Inspection Information
- Link to PEI RP1200: Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment at UST Facilities (2019 Edition) Document and Testing/Inspection Checklists
General Information
UST Regulations
UST Registration Information
UST Installation/Closure Information
Certified Worker Information
- Register for a UST Class A/B UST Operator Training Seminar by calling (225) 926-8300
- Operator Training FAQ
Release Detection Resources
UST owners/operators must keep 3 years of monthly release detection records. These are forms that tank owners/operators can use to record their interstitial monitoring results if their equipment does not print records. Use of these particular forms is NOT mandatory.
Alternative Fuel Information
Remediation Related Information
Financial Responsibility
Information on Water Discharge General Permits