• Online reports will be under maintenance from 3:00PM on 2/14/2025 to 8:00PM on 2/14/2025. We apologize for the inconvenience.

LA Lab Accreditation

The Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program is designed to ensure the accuracy, precision, and reliability of the data generated, as well as the use of the department-approved methodologies in the generation of that data. Laboratory data generated by commercial environmental laboratories that are not accredited under these regulations will not be accepted by the department in accordance with LAC 33:I.4501.A.2. Whenever samples are subcontracted to another environmental testing laboratory, the original laboratory shall maintain a verifiable copy the results with a chain of custody. The subcontracting procedure may not be used to circumvent proper accreditation or any state requirements. The original laboratory is responsible for ensuring that the secondary laboratory used is properly accredited for the scope of testing performed in accordance with LAC 33:I.5307.D.


Applying for Accreditation

Click Here to Apply for Accreditation


LELAP Accredited Labs 

Laboratory Scopes of Accreditation **

** - The laboratory accreditation data is being pulled real time from a separate server so delays in processing requests should be expected




The EPA has updated its "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; Analysis and Sampling Procedures", also known as the "Method Update Rule". The new rule was published on April 16, 2024, and will take effect on June 17, 2024. For more information please read the Method Update Rule memo. For a copy of the rule, please access this link:


All laboratories or other individuals with questions or seeking accreditation may contact Tramecha Rankins, Environmental Scientist Supervisor, LDEQ Laboratory Accreditation Program at (225) 219-3247 or Tramecha.Rankins@LA.GOV.


Additional Information

Helpful Links

LELAP Staff Location Phone Email
Paul Bergeron DEQ Headquarters (225) 219-0789


Tramecha Rankins DEQ Headquarters (225) 219-3247 Tramecha.Rankins@LA.GOV
Joseph Kieffer (Joey) DEQ Headquarters (225) 219-3302 Joseph.Kieffer@LA.GOV
Alexandra Alvarado DEQ Headquarters (225) 219-7585 Alexandra.Alvarado@LA.GOV
Teman Roberts DEQ Headquarters (225) 219-3284 Teman.Roberts@LA.GOV


NOTE: To lodge a laboratory accreditation-related complaint, contact the LDEQ Ombudsman