Monthly Regulation Changes
The notices accessible within these pages are not certified as the official copies published in the Louisiana Register and the Louisiana Administrative Code as they may be subsequently revised by the Office of the State Register pursuant to La. R.S. 49:983 prior to publishing. Access to official copies of rulemaking notices are available from the Office of the State Register. For assistance, call the Regulation Development Section at (225) 219-3981.
The summary of comments and responses that have been submitted to the Legislative Oversight Committees.
The complete summary and comment responses documents posted after January 1, 2013, are accessible in the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) using the EDMS document number. Click on (EDMS) then enter the EDMS document number in the document ID Box, click Run.
Historical Environmental Regulations
Historical Environmental Regulation Publications (i.e., Stream Control Commission, LAC, ERC, ERC Quarterly Supplements, etc.) are available from the department's Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). Click on EDMS and enter 181731 in the AI# box. If you need assistance accessing EDMS, please contact the Regulation Development Section at (225) 219-3985.
Amended January 2005, compiled October 2007.
Where do I send my information?
Please contact either the Office of Environmental Services at (225) 219-3181 or the Office of Environmental Compliance at (225) 291-3710 for information on submitting documents required by the regulations.