
Hazardous Waste

Import/Export Rule

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality proposes rulemaking that will combine four rules under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Three of these rules are related to the import and export of hazardous waste, and one is related to fees associated with the hazardous waste e-manifest system submitted solely to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This proposed rulemaking incorporates the Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste Rule, the Confidentiality Determinations for Hazardous Waste Export and Import Documents Rule, the Conforming Changes to Canada-Specific Hazardous Waste Import-Export Recovery and Disposal Operation Codes Rule, and the Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest User Fee Rule.

This proposed rule:

  • amends the existing regulations regarding the import and export of hazardous wastes into and from the United States, enables electronic submittal to the EPA of all import and export related documents, and enables electronic validation of consent for export shipments subject to consent requirements;
  • applies a confidentiality determination such that no person can assert confidential business information claims for documents related to the import, export and transit of hazardous waste and export of excluded cathode ray tubes;
  • makes conforming changes to regulations related to 12 hazardous waste import and export recovery and disposal operations used in notices submitted to the EPA by U.S. importers and exporters, and in movement documents that accompany import and export shipments to solely reflect revisions made in Canadian regulations; and
  • establishes the methodology the EPA will use to determine the user fees applicable to the national electronic manifest system.

The proposed rulemaking (HW127ft) is available in the July 20, 2024 edition of the Louisiana Register (

Solid Waste

Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality proposes rulemaking to adopt the Federal Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) 40 CFR Part 257 Rule promulgated in April 2015. This rule is related to the management of CCR material in landfills and surface impoundments at coal burning power plants. The proposed LDEQ rule incorporates the 40 CFR Part 257 CCR Rule, as well as, portions of existing LDEQ regulations consisting of permitting, enforcement, and financial assurance requirements for CCR units. This rule will only affect the four coal fired power plants in Louisiana which are currently regulated by LDEQ solid waste permits.

This proposed rule:

  • amends the existing regulations, creating Chapter 10 regarding CCR management at landfills and surface impoundments in Louisiana;
  • adopts the federal CCR Rule and makes changes to the rule to apply requirements currently enforced by LDEQ; and
  • allows for CCR units in Louisiana to be permitted and managed by LDEQ.

The proposed rulemaking (SW068) is available in the July 20, 2024 edition of the Louisiana Register ( osr/louisiana-register/).