Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Annual Fee is assessed annually and is based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part XI Chapter 3.
New certificates will be mailed in June and go into effect in July. The certificate is good for a term of one year, from July 1 - June 30.
All changes in UST ownership information require an updated and signed UST REG-01 form; Please mail to the address indicated on the form.
All changes in UST contact information require an updated and signed UST REG form; Please mail to the address indicated on the form.
Attn: Jessica Budd
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Jessica.Budd@LA.GOV