
The OEC Surveillance Division protects the citizens of the state by conducting inspections of permitted and non-permitted facilities, by responding to environmental incidents such as unauthorized releases, spills and citizen complaints, natural disasters, and other emergency situations, by providing compliance assistance to the regulated community when appropriate, by assessing and monitoring air and water quality for compliance with standards, and by promoting case information management for vigorous and timely resolution of issues of non-compliance. 

To obtain Regional contact information, please view our Directory page

Generators of hazardous waste are required to comply with applicable hazardous waste container management regulations specified in LAC 33:V.Chapter 10. The Container Management for Hazardous Waste Generators Guidance Document has been developed by LDEQ in coordination with stakeholders to provide the regulated community guidance and additional clarity on container management regulations and their appropriate application. 

Useful Resources

Water Quality Inspections 

Surveillance Division Compliance Monitoring Strategy 2024