Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES)

Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES)

July 2, 2024 – Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) recognizes the challenges that major facilities have faced with meeting the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) submittal deadline of the 15th day of the month for Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) Permits. LDEQ has approved changes to LDEQ’s internal processes to combat these challenges and allow additional time for DMR submittal. Moving forward, LDEQ’s Water Permits Division will incorporate a new submittal date of the 25th day of the month into any major LPDES permit currently in-process that has not yet been finalized. The Water Permits Division will also incorporate this change into all major LPDES Permits either as they come up for renewal or during a major modification to the permit. 

Surface Water Discharge Permits

Louisiana's Water Quality Regulations (LAC 33:Chapter IX) require permits for the discharge of pollutants from any point source into waters of the state of Louisiana. This surface water discharge permitting system is administered under the Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) program. LDEQ became a state delegated to administer the NPDES Program in August of 1996. (Official LPDES Program Assumption Documents are available on the EPA Region 6 website.)

The Water Permits Division, within the Office of Environmental Services, consists of two LPDES Water Permitting Sections: Industrial Water Permits and Municipal & General Water Permits. Permitting responsibilities are distributed between the two sections based on facility type.

Click HERE to view draft individual LPDES permits currently at public notice.

Click HERE to check permit status.

LPDES Permitting Information

LPDES General Permits

General Permits (authorized under LAC 33:IX.2515) are written to cover one or more categories or subcategories of discharges within a geographic area, which can range from a specific watershed to a broad area such as the entire state. 

General Permit Number Covers Effective Date Expiration Date File Type
LAG030000 Discharges from Vessel Cleaning and Repair Operations and Shipyards  02/01/2024 01/31/2029 PDF
LAG110000 Discharges from Cement, Concrete and Asphalt Facilities 06/05/2024 06/04/2029 PDF
LAG260000 Discharges from oil and gas exploration, development and production facilities located within territorial seas of Louisiana. 04/16/2020 04/15/2025 PDF
LAG300000 Discharges associated with Dewatering of Petroleum Storage Tanks, Tank Beds, New Tanks and Excavations 12/08/2020 12/07/2025 PDF
LAG330000 Discharges from oil and gas exploration, development and production facilities located within coastal waters. 05/04/2021 05/03/2026 PDF
LAG380000 Discharges from Potable Water Treatment Plants 12/17/2020 12/16/2025 PDF
LAG420000 Short-Term and Emergency Discharges 04/25/2022 04/24/2027 PDF
LAG470000 Discharges from Automotive Dealerships, Paint and Body Shops, Motorcycle Dealerships, Recreational Vehicle Dealerships and Automotive Repair and Maintenance Shops 11/20/2019 11/19/2024 PDF
LAG480000 Discharges from Light Commercial Facilities 12/16/2020 12/15/2025 PDF
LAG490000 Discharges from Sand and Gravel Extraction Facilities 03/15/2021 03/14/2026 PDF
LAG530000 Sanitary discharges totaling less than 5,000 gpd 12/1/2022 11/30/2027 PDF
LAG540000 Sanitary discharges totaling less than 25,000 gpd 8/25/2023 8/24/2028 PDF
LAG560000 Sanitary discharges totaling less than 50,000 gpd 4/1/2020 3/31/2025 PDF
LAG570000 Sanitary discharges totaling less than 100,000 gpd 07/22/2024 07/21/2029 PDF
LAG670000 Discharges of Hydrostatic Test Wastewater 06/01/2023 05/31/2028 PDF
LAG750000 Discharges of Exterior Vehicle Washwater 4/26/2024 4/25/2029 PDF
LAG780000 Discharges from Construction, Demolition Debris and Woodwaste Landfills 04/01/2023 03/31/2028 PDF
LAG830000 Discharges resulting from the Cleanup of Petroleum UST Systems 04/01/2023 03/31/2028 PDF
LAG870000 Applications/Discharge of Pesticides into or near Waters of the State 04/26/2019 04/25/2024 PDF
LAR040000 Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems 11/20/2023 11/19/2028 PDF

Multi-Sector General Stormwater Permit. 

Modifed on 12/9/2021 and 4/1/2022

10/27/2021 10/26/2026 PDF
LAR100000 Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities of 5 Acres or More 10/1/2024 9/30/2029 PDF
LAR200000 Storm Water Discharges from Small Construction Activities (equal to or greater than 1 acre but less than 5 acres) 8/25/2023 8/24/2028 PDF
LAR600000 General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Related to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development's Statewide Construction and Maintenance Activities Resulting in Land Disturbance 06/29/2022 06/28/2027 PDF

LPDES Data Queries

Quarterly Water and Biosolids Permits

Below are listing of LPDES permits issued by quarter.  List should be posted by the 15th of the month following the quarter. 

The issue date for individual LPDES permits is the date that the permit is signed by the signatory authority.  This date can be found on the tan cover page included in individual LPDES permits.

The issue date for coverage under general LPDES permits is the date stamped on the cover letter mailed with the general permit.

Permit codes used in documents: NAP - New Application; MIM - Minor Modification; RAP - Renewal Application; MAM - Major Modification; GNP - General New Coverage; GRP - General Renewed Coverage; GMP - General Modified Coverage

LPDES Support Documents

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