Notification Form for Generators of Industrial Solid Waste PDF (Revised 2/19/2025) (These forms are used to submit a notification of Solid Waste Generators and Transporters, including any Solid Industrial Waste, Residential & Commercial Waste, Woodwaste, Construction/Demolition-Debris, and special wastes, such as Asbestos-Containing Waste Material, Medical waste, Grease Waste, etc.). Please contact Melissa Day at (225) 219-3244 of the Notifications and Accreditations Section if you have questions.
Solid Waste Notifications List (includes Transporters and Generators, etc.)
Solid Waste Notifications List [Excel] (Revised 12/26/2024) A Solid Waste (SW) Notification number is required for all solid waste transporters, processors, generators, disposers, etc. A Solid Waste Transporter # is required to transport any type of solid waste in this state. This includes but is not limited to any municipal or industrial solid waste, demolition debris, and asbestos-containing waste material. Contact Melissa Day at (225) 219-3244 of the Notifications and Accreditations Section for a number if you don't have one.
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