Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Accident Prevention Annual Fee is assessed annually and is based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part III Chapter 2.
Program 1 - $291
Program 2 - $581
Program 3 - $3,630
Regulations concerning the program can be found in Chapter 59.
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
The Chemical Accident Prevention Registration Form should be filled out and filed with the department by mail to the address indicated on the form.
The Chemical Accident Prevention Registration Form should be filled out and filed with the department by mail to the address indicated on the form.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Teyona James
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Teyona.James@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Air Annual Maintenance Fee is assessed for all active air permits annually and is based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part III Chapter 2 Section 223. These fees are not based on emissions but on the approved permit and/or potential to emit.
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
Please note if the facility operated AT ANYTIME during the fiscal year (On or after July 1, the invoice is still owed as per LAC 33:III.211.B.9. The Miscellaneous Permitting Action form should be filled out and filed by mail to the address indicated on the form to terminate the permit.
The Notice of Change forms (NOC) should be filed by mail to the address indicated on the form. A letter or note on the invoice is not sufficient notification of a change of owner, operator or name.
Please contact our office and we will facilitate a review of your invoice.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Elizabeth Dequeant
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Elizabeth.Dequeant@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
These fees are based on emissions reported to the LDEQ on the Criteria & Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Certification Statement submitted to the Department.
Emission reported are rounded to the nearest whole Ton.
The fee schedule may be found in LAC 33:III.223.
The reporting year is indicated in the assessment details of the invoice. For example:
Air, REP20220001, Title V Emission Inventory Annual Fee
Inventory ID xxxxxxx, Revision 0 Report Year: 2022
NOx: 10 Tons, @ $20.00/Ton = Fee: $200.00
PM10: 10 Tons, @ $20.00/Ton = Fee: $200.00
Criteria VOC: 10 Tons, @ $20.00/Ton = Fee: $200.00
Total: Fee $600.00
The fees are owed as indicated for emissions reported and certified.
Each owner submits a separate emissions inventory for the period of ownership. Fees should reflect emissions reported for the company that submitted and certified the emissions inventory.
The fees are owed as indicated for emissions reported and certified.
You will need to submit a revision to your certified inventory. Please contact the Air Quality Planning Section to discuss these issues: Maureen Ducote - Maureen.Ducote@LA.GOV
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Elizabeth Dequeant
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Elizabeth.Dequeant@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
Expedited Permit Invoices cover processing fees for every overtime hour or portion thereof that a department employee or contractor worked on each application processed on an expedited basis for a: permit, modification, license, registration, or variance; in accordance with the provisions found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part I Chapter 18.
A copy of your request for expedited permit processing can be found in our
Electronic Document Management System
Attn: Kieu Nguyen
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Kieu.Nguyen@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Groundwater Annual Fee is assessed annually and is based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part I Chapter 14
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Kieu Nguyen
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Kieu.Nguyen@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Hazardous Waste Annual Fees are based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part V Chapter 51
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
If the facility no longer treats, stores, generates or transfers hazardous material, you will need to file a No Hazardous Waste Activity Certification
The new owners will need to file the HW-1 form to update any address or facility contact information.
You will need to file the HW-1 form to update any address or facility contact information.
Please contact our office and we will facilitate a review of your invoice.
Attn: Kieu Nguyen
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Kieu.Nguyen@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
Fees for the Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program are assessed in accordance with Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part I Subpart 3
New certificates will be mailed in June and go into effect in July. The certificate is effective for a term of one year, from July 1 - June 30.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Teyona James
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Teyona.James@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
Fees for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) are assessed in accordance with Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part XV Chapter 25
Operators reporting contamination by field will be invoiced for all wellheads in the field. Operators reporting contamination by wellhead will be invoiced only for contaminated units
The license inventory is now available to download as a spreadsheet from our ebusiness site, There is a link to download the inventory on your open invoices screen for your Agency Interest (AI) number.
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
Plugged and Abandoned wells are not exempt from NORM regulations. You must file an RPD 38 form by mail to the address indicated on the form to remove the well from the NORM license.
Please Note: If the former well bore was on land a NORM survey done by a qualified individual must be submitted along with the RPD 38. For the invoice to be adjusted the survey for the site MUST have been done prior to the start of current fiscal year which begins July 1. The invoice is still due if the survey was done after July 1.
Please provide us the following information : New Operator’s Name, Operator Number, Mailing Address, Contact Person and Contact Telephone Number.
In order for the invoice to be adjusted the transfer of ownership MUST have been before the current fiscal year started which begins July 1.
Plugged & Abandoned wells do NOT transfer, even if the field is sold. They remain under the ownership of the operator that P&A them.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Cherian Grady
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Cherian.Grady@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
Radiation registration and license fees are assessed annually and are based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part XV Chapter 25.
If the unit is operable, even if it has been placed in storage or is not in use, the machine is still registered and the annual fee is owed.
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
A machine is inoperable if its X-ray tube (insert) has been removed in such a manner that it would require an X-ray company/service person to make it operable. For a list of service companies, see the Radiation Forms, Guides, and Information page.
The disposition form, which is located in the DRC 6 form, needs to be completed and mailed to the address indicated on the form for the referenced X-ray unit. Please indicate the Model Number and Serial Number of the unit in question. A written document stating that the tube head has been removed by a licensed X-ray supplier and if they disposed of the unit. The disposition form must be received by DEQ by the invoice due date, in order to avoid paying the annual fee.
Complete the DRC 6 form along with a cover letter and mail to the address indicated on the form. Include in a cover letter the name and address of the new owner.
A letter or note on the invoice is not sufficient notification of a change of owner, operator or name.
Complete the DRC 6 form and mail to the address indicated on the form. Include in a cover letter the new location.
A letter or note on the invoice is not sufficient notification of a change of owner, operator or name.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Hannah Jones Hannah.Jones@LA.GOV
Tiffany White Tiffany.White@LA.GOV
Attn: Cherian Grady
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Cherian.Grady@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Solid Waste Fees are assessed annually and based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part VII Chapter 15.
Annual Monitoring and Maintenance Fees - for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
Annual Tonnage Fees - based on the tonnage reported in the certification of compliance containing the annual disposer report for the previous year. For example: the FY 2024 annual tonnage fee is based on the disposer report for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
If your facility has been Clean Closed by LDEQ and you have received an invoice or if your site is closed and no longer accepting waste, but you are unsure of the closure status please contact your Financial Services Representative listed below.
If your facility is in Post Closure, then you should be receiving a Base Fee invoice noting an assessment of 25% of the standard base fee for that Permit.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Jessica Budd
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Jessica.Budd@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
The Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Annual Fee is assessed annually and is based on the fee schedule found in the Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part XI Chapter 3.
New certificates will be mailed in June and go into effect in July. The certificate is good for a term of one year, from July 1 - June 30.
All changes in UST ownership information require an updated and signed UST REG-01 form; Please mail to the address indicated on the form.
All changes in UST contact information require an updated and signed UST REG form; Please mail to the address indicated on the form.
Attn: Jessica Budd
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Jessica.Budd@LA.GOV
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
Fees for the Water Quality Annual Maintenance Fee are assessed in accordance with Environmental Regulatory Code Title 33 Part IX Chapter 13
A surcharge of 20% of the department imposed permit fee, with a maximum of $150.00, shall be added to the fee for each water discharge permit issued pursuant to R.S. 30:2075 for discharges in the Atchafalaya, Terrebonne, Barataria, Lake Pontchartrain, and Mississippi River water quality management basins as defined by the department Water Quality Management Basin Plans.
This invoice is for the Fiscal Year indicated on the invoice which is from July 1 – June 30.
General Permits - General permit numbers begin with LAG or LAR.
If a permitted facility is active at anytime during the billing period, it is subject to the entire assessed fee and is not eligible for a prorated amount.
To terminate a Stormwater Multi-Sectior General Permit, please submit a Notice of Termination form (NOT) by mail to the address indicated on the form.
To terminate a Non-Stormwater General LPDES Permit, please submit a Request for Termination form (RFT) by mail by mail to the address indicated on the form.
Individual Permits - Individual permit numbers begin with LA0.
LDEQ regulations allow for the proration of an Individual water discharge permit fee based on the initial start up or shutdown of the facility generating a water discharge. Please contact your LDEQ representative listed below to request this modification.
To terminate a Individual Permit please submit a Request for Termination form (RFT) by mail to the address indicated on the form.
The original permit owner is liable for all fees associated with the water discharge permit, until the proper ownership transfer forms have been submitted to LDEQ and processed by the department. The NOC-1 Form should be completed and submitted to the LDEQ immediately by mail to the address indicated on the form.
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Ashley Broom
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Ashley.Broom@LA.GOV