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Public Participation & Permit Support

Work Plans


The Public Participation and Permit Support Division (PPPSD) consists of two sections: Permit Support & LELAP and Notifications & Accreditations

Permit Support and LELAP Section

Permit Application Administrative Review Group (PAAR)

The PAAR Group supports the Office of Environmental Services (OES) by receiving and analyzing all incoming documents to ensure they are properly handled. As a part of this process, PAAR conducts all initial administrative reviews of all applications. Certain permit actions such as Expedited Permit Processing Requests and Name and Ownership Changes (NOC) for permits are processed within the group. PAAR ensures that all applications are administratively complete and collects fees where required before forwarding applications to the appropriate permit section for technical review and processing. PAAR creates the initial permit activity in DEQ’s data management system (TEMPO) and ensures that all documents are submitted to the records management section. This ensures that all documents are made a part of the public record in a timely manner. PAAR assists the public by routinely answering questions and directing them to information resources needed to complete their environmental permit application.

More Information, permit forms and applications

Public Participation Group (PPG)

PPG keeps the citizens of Louisiana informed, involved and enable them to be a part of the environmental decisions that affect their life in all activities associated with the issuance of the air, hazardous waste, solid waste and water permits and radiation certification as well as public involvement in other areas at LDEQ requiring public participation. With a good knowledge of the Louisiana Environmental Code of regulations, the Revised Statutes and Federal regulations the Group coordinates the activities internally with the different entities within LDEQ as well as the public, news media, permitted facilities and others to inform the public through public notices, public hearings, meetings, and review material, also handling public comments, questions and requests and public participation information.

More Information: Public Hearing/Meetings

Database Support Group (DSG)

The Database Support Group maintains both the Master file data and the Standards Requirements Library. The group is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the Master File data for the Advantage RM database. Advantage RM Master File personnel ensure the standardized definition of Agency Interest Definition Types and utilize these Agency Interest Definition Types when entering Agency Interest information into Advantage RM. Advantage RM Master File personnel are responsible for creating new Agency Interests, processing change requests, many data entry projects that are more readily accomplished manually as opposed to electronically and assign air permit numbers.

The group also develops and maintains the Standard Requirements Library (RL), reference tables, and security levels for the Advantage RM database. They also assist in testing, database mapping, and training as it relates to Advantage RM. Team members review federal and state regulations and policy and translate them into database standard requirement language for use by DEQ personnel in permits, surveillance checklists, and enforcement documents. Reference tables contain coded and descriptive information that provide system functionality and drop down data windows lists (i.e., parishes, lat/long coordinate systems, parameters, monitoring methods, units) in Advantage RM. Reference table values are needed to support online permitting and online data submittals, and database mapping as it relates to Advantage RM.

Notifications and Accreditations Section

Waste Accreditation and Reporting (WAR)

Solid Waste

The Waste Accreditation and Reporting Unit is responsible for the registering of solid waste generators and transporters. Unit staff conduct administrative testing for solid waste operator seeking certification. Testing takes place four times a year in conjunction with Board of Certification meetings and workshops.

  • Sewage Sludge Transporter Notification Form Document  | PDF
  • Solid Waste Operator Certification Application  Document | PDF
  • Solid Waste Operator Re-Certification Application  Document | PDF
  • Solid Waste Notification Form  Document | PDF
  • Solid Waste Notification List (includes Transporters and Generators, etc.) PDF  | Spreadsheet


Hazardous Waste

This unit also receives, processes, and maintains information on the Annual Hazardous Waste Reports submitted by large quantity generators and TSDs. The unit responds to questions from public and public information requests regarding these reports. The unit conducts several workshops a year for the regulated community and interested public to update them on any changes in processes, reporting issues, or software updates.

The unit maintains the RCRA Info database for HW Generators/Transporters/TSD’s and issues HW ID numbers. Regulated entities submit the required information using the following forms; modify facility information (HW-1 Form), Close/Delist ID numbers (Certification Form), and HW Import Notifications (HW-2 Form).

Asbestos and Lead

In addition, the Waste Accreditation and Reporting Unit processes Asbestos and Lead Accreditations, Asbestos Management Plans, Asbestos and Lead Training Providers and Trainer Recognition, Asbestos Notification for Demolition or Renovation activities and issues Asbestos Disposal Verification Forms (ADVF), and Lead Project Notifications, and Lead Letters of Approval for Contractors.

More Information:

Asbestos Resources, Hurricane Demolition, Lead-Based Paint

Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (LELAP)

LELAP is one of only 13 accreditation bodies recognized by The NELAC Institute (TNI). The group ensures the accuracy, precision, and reliability of the data generated, as well as the use of the department-approved methodologies in the generation of that data.