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Twenty-Third Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order- COVID-19

The twenty-third amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.

Second Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - Severe Weather May 2021

In the matter of severe weather May 17, 2021

Updates issued for 6 fish consumption advisories in Southeastern Louisiana 07/30/21
Discover DEQ Newsletter – July 2021

What’s Inside? LDEQ begins operation of new Ambient Air Monitoring Site in New Orleans, LDEQ’s Enviroschool to host webinar: Cleaning Louisiana’s Air - Understanding Air Quality Standards, and more!

Hurricane Delta - Eighth Extension of Third Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

In the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster regarding Hurricane Delta

Hurricane Zeta - Eighth Extension of First Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

In the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster regarding Hurricane Zeta

Hurricane Laura - Thirteenth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.

LDEQ will host Aug. 5 public meeting regarding Dresser site 07/22/21