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EPA Expands Air Monitoring Efforts in Communities Impacted by Hurricane Ida

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expanding air quality evaluations in Louisiana communities affected by Hurricane Ida.

Seventh Amendment to the Second Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - 2021 Winter Weather

In the matter of Potential Heavy Rain, Flash Floods and Wintery Weather Feb. 14, 2021

Hurricane Ida - Second Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 09/09/21
EPA Tools for Communities Cleaning Up after Hurricane Ida

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reminds communities, families, and business owners affected by Hurricane Ida to take steps to make storm cleanup as safe and effective as possible.

Louisiana Environmental Conference and Trade Fair rescheduled to March 2022 09/03/21
Discover DEQ Newsletter – August 2021

What’s Inside? Mercury and fish consumption advisory updates issued for six areas in Southeastern Louisiana, LDEQ’s Enviroschool to host webinar: Understanding Public Participation, and more!

First Extension Of Second Amended Declaration Of Emergency And Administrative Order - Severe Weather May 2021

In the matter of severe weather May 17, 2021

Twenty-Fourth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order- COVID-19

The twenty-fourth amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.
