Discover DEQ Newsletter – August 2022
What’s Inside? LDEQ Secretary Brown named vice president of ECOS, Message from the Secretary, Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone (Dead Zone) slightly smaller than expected, and more!
Prepare for the Heart of Hurricane Season
The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) is encouraging everyone to keep their emergency game plan in place for what is normally our most active stretch of hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its updated hurricane forecast earlier this month. According to NOAA, conditions still favor an active season. As we’ve seen in recent years, it only takes one or two tropical events to cause massive loss across the state.
LDEQ’s YouTube channel offers information on pro-environmental topics
LDEQ’s YouTube channel offers information on pro-environmental topics. Curious about nonpoint source pollution, keeping your neighborhood storm drain free of debris, how to properly separate storm debris or how to maintain your home sewage treatment system? Maybe you would like an overview on asbestos, landfills or how the small business assistance program works?
LDEQ’s YouTube channel has videos on those topics and much more, including tips on how to navigate the EDMS to search for public records, and the negative impacts that open burning can have on the environment.
Hurricane Laura: Twenty-Five Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order
The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.
Discover DEQ Newsletter – July 2022
What’s Inside? Hurricanes in Louisiana – What to do?, Message from the Secretary, The Air Quality Index – What you need to know, and more!