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Hurricane Ida: Seventh Extension of Fifth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 11/18/22
Hurricane Laura: Twenty-Eighth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.

EPA Announces Louisiana to Receive Nearly $2.4 Million for Air Monitoring Projects 11/04/22
Discover DEQ Newsletter – October 2022

What’s Inside? LDEQ helps fund Bayou Lafourche fresh water project, Career Opportunities at LDEQ, Message from the Secretary, and more!

EPA Announces $43,000,000 in Clean School Bus Funding for School Districts in Louisiana 11/01/22
Hurricane Delta - 23rd Extension of 3rd Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Orders 10/27/22
Hurricane Ida: Sixth Extension of Fifth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 10/20/22
Hurricane Laura: Twenty-Seventh Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.
