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LDEQ launches monthly podcast

Check out the department's new podcast – LDEQ On Air!

Hurricane Ida: Eleventh Extension of Fifth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 03/27/23
Hurricane Delta – 28th Extension of 3rd Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Orders 03/23/23
Hurricane Laura: Thirty-Second Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.

EPA Announces Nearly $180 Million for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades for the States of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas 03/09/23
2023 Louisiana Envirothon held at LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens 03/06/23
Discover DEQ Newsletter – February 2023

What’s Inside? LDEQ Emergency Response personnel participate in State Police Hazardous Materials Training Program, Sign up for EnviroFlash to Be Air Aware, Message from the Secretary, and more!

Hurricane Ida: Tenth Extension of Fifth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 02/24/23