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Employee Spotlight: A 10-year-old who didn't speak English turned valedictorian, then engineer 05/09/23
Discover DEQ Newsletter – April 2023

What’s Inside? New secretary at LDEQ is a familiar face, LDEQ releases second monthly podcast, Message from the Secretary, and more!

Hurricane Ida: Twelfth Extension of Fifth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 04/26/23
EPA Settlement with Evonik Will Reduce Air Toxics in St. John the Baptist Parish, La. 04/24/23
Hurricane Delta – 29th Extension of 3rd Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Orders 04/21/23
The EPA Region 6 Announces a Total of $25 Million to Organizations to Advance Environmental Justice 04/20/23
Hurricane Laura: Thirty-Third Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.

Discover DEQ Newsletter – March 2023

What’s Inside? LDEQ starts monthly podcast to inform public, Message from the Secretary, Dr. Chuck Carr Brown announces resignation at the Louisiana Environmental Conference, and more!
