Regulations Archives

DEQ announces modification of Sewage Sludge General Permit

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality's Water Permits Division has announced a modification to the Sewage Sludge and Biosolids Use or Disposal General Permit, effective August 1, 2012

Laboratories must submit data to DEQ under new EPA rule

Accredited and in-house laboratories that submit data to DEQ will be required to adhere to new U.S, Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. EPA recently updated its "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; Analysis and Sampling Procedures", also known as the "Method Update Rule." The new rule was published on May 18, 2012 and will take effect on June 18, 2012.

** Notice to Major Sources of Greenhouse Gases **

If you are the owner or operator of a stationary source that emits, or has the potential to emit, 100,000 tons per year or more of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), and you have not been issued or applied for a Title V permit, federal and state regulations require you to apply for a Title V permit on or before July 1, 2012.

DEQ to hold meeting on air permitting rules, issues

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Air Permitting Division is hosting a meeting at DEQ Headquarters, tomorrow at 10 a.m. DEQ headquarters is located at 602 N. 5th Street in Baton Rouge. Interested parties are invited to attend
