For Citizens Archives

Environmental Leadership Awards recognize voluntary pollution reductions

Today, DEQ hosted the Environmental Leadership Awards. DEQ Secretary Peggy Hatch was joined by Senator Mike Walsworth, chair, Senate Environmental Quality Committee and Representative Gordon Dove, chair, House Natural Resources and Environmental Committee, to recognize environmental achievements at the 2013 ceremony. New and existing members of ELP were commended for their voluntary pollution prevention efforts and community environmental outreach initiatives. The ceremony highlighted projects that went above and beyond regulatory compliance to substantially improve the quality of the environment. In 2013, the ELP enrolled 26 new members.

DEQ EnviroFlash notification system helps citizens monitor air quality

This year, more than ever, it is important for citizens and businesses to be aware of the air quality. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has lowered the standards for many criteria air pollutants which makes areas that have had excellent air quality in the past much closer to being out of attainment with federal standards.

DEQ takes measures to address elevated SO2 levels at Chalmette monitor

On Jan. 11-12, the Department of Environmental Quality used its Mobile Air Monitoring Laboratory to conduct additional air sampling in St. Bernard Parish. This effort was undertaken because the Chalmette Vista air monitor site has shown levels of SO2 above the new National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 75 parts per billion and as a result of recent odor complaints.

DEQ monitoring for odor concerns in Chalmette

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality has deployed its Mobile Air Monitoring Laboratory and other resources to the Chalmette area in St. Bernard Parish in response to odor concerns that began yesterday evening.

Electronics Waste Materials Recycling Day to be held on February 8-9

As the holiday season approaches, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, along with the Louisiana Senate Environmental Committee and Louisiana State University, are reminding holiday shoppers to save their unwanted electronic components for recycling at the Electronics Waste Materials Recycling Day in February.

Enviroschool to offer session on emergency response in Monroe

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Enviroschool is offering a free session on DEQ emergency response. This session is in Monroe and will provide an overview of the role and activities handled by the Emergency Response Division of DEQ. Some of the topics will include what happens when there's an emergency situation, DEQ's role and response during emergencies and procedures regarding. The session is geared toward the general public and people working in the emergency response professions such as first responders from the fire department, police department or local offices of emergency preparedness.

DEQ encourages nominations for 2013 Gulf Guardian Awards

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality is encouraging the public to submit nominations for the Gulf Guardian Awards Program. As a member of the Gulf of Mexico Program and Gulf of Mexico Alliance, Louisiana residents can nominate citizens, companies and organizations that are taking positive steps to keep the Gulf of Mexico and associated coastal water habitats healthy, beautiful and productive. The deadline for submitting nominations is March 8, 2013.

DEQ sends reminder about open burning regulations

When people burn waste, it causes air pollution and, in some cases, can be illegal. Open burning of certain materials is prohibited in Louisiana. There are also local ordinances pertaining to what can and can't be burned. If you have a trash pile and burn household waste, construction debris or anything other than vegetative matter, you could pay a fine Some materials that should NEVER be burned are: Plastic and other synthetic materials Tires and other rubber products Paints, household and agricultural chemicals Asphalt shingles, heavy oils, wire Newspaper, cardboard and other paper products Buildings and mobile homes
