Monthly Regulation Changes 2012

REG Title/LA Administrative Code Citation Publication Date Status Hearing Date Comment Deadline
WQ085S Minor Revisions to Water Quality Standards Antidegradation Language (LAC 33:IX.1109 and 1119) (WQ085S)
Second public hearing on substantive changes.
12/20/2012 Proposed 1/29/2013 1/29/2013
1212Pot1 Notice of Public Hearing, Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule WQ085, Minor Revisions to Water Quality Standards Antidegradation Language (LAC 33:IX.1119) (Log #WQ085S)
Second Public Hearing on Substantive Changes.
12/20/2012 N/A 1/29/2013 1/29/2013
AQ328ft PM2.5 Increments, Significant Impact Levels and Significant Monitoring Concentration (LAC 33:III.509) (AQ328ft) 12/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
1212Pot2 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revisions
Interested people are invited to send comments as noted on the potpourri.
12/20/2012 Potpourri None 2/28/2013
1212Pot3 The Declaratory Ruling was issued pursuant to an application by Diamond Green Diesel, LLC (DGD LLC) submitted in June, 2012 which can be viewed in the LDEQ's Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) at Document No. 8623399. 12/20/2012 Potpourri None N/A
1211Pot1 Suspension of Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems Requirements For Control of Vehicle Refueling Emissions at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (LAC 33:III.2132) 11/20/2012 Potpourri N/A N/A
AQ313 Control of Emissions of Organic Compounds: Fugitive Emission Control (LAC 33:III.2121, 2122 and 2199 Appendix B) (AQ313) 11/20/2012 Proposed 12/27/2012 1/3/2013
AQ327 Offset Requirements and Emission Reduction Credits Banking (LAC 33:III.504, 601, 603, 605, 607, 615 and 619) (AQ327) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ332 Comprehensive Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Control Program (LAC 33:III.5101, 5103, 5107, 5109, 5113 and 5151) (AQ332) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ333 Toxic Emissions Reporting Requirements (LAC 33:III.5301 and 5303) (AQ333) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ334 EPA Notice (LAC 33:III.533) (AQ334) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ335ft Addition to List of Exempted Compounds (LAC 33:III.2117.A) (AQ335ft) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
HW111 Conrad Industries Delisting (LAC 33:V.4999 Appendix E) (HW111) 11/20/2012 Proposed 12/27/2012 1/3/2013
MM015 Amend References to the Office of Environmental Assessment (LAC 33:I, III, V, VI, IX, and XI) (MM015) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
OS083 Stay of Permit Conditions Pending Administrative/Judicial Review (LAC 33:I.401, 403, 405, 407, III.537, V.705 and IX.309) (OS083) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
RP052ft Exemptions from Licensing, General Licenses and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing & Reporting Requirements (LAC 33:XV.304 and 328) (RP052ft) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
RP054ft Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Authorized User Clarification (LAC 33:XV.763 and 1599) (RP054ft) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
WQ086ft Chapter 49 Incorporation by Reference Update (LAC 33:IX.4901 and 4903) (WQ086ft) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
RP053ft Occupational Dose Records, Labeling Containers and the Total Effective Dose Equivalent(LAC 33:XV.102) (RP053ft)
11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
1209Pot1 Notice of Public Hearing Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule AQ328ft PM2.5 Increments, Significant Impact Levels and Significant Monitoring Concentration(LAC 33:III.509)(Log #AQ328ftS)(1209Pot1) 9/20/2012 Potpourri 10/31/2012 10/31/2012
AQ322 Regulatory Permit for Flaring of Materials Other than Natural Gas (LAC 33:III.319) (AQ322)
See Final Rule in April 2013.
9/20/2012 Proposed 10/31/2012 11/7/2012
AQ327E2 Offset Requirements and Emission Reduction Credits Banking (LAC 33:III.504, 601, 603, 605, 607, 615 and 619) (AQ327E2) 8/28/2012 Emergency Rule N/A N/A
AQ321 Regulatory Permit for Rock, Concrete, and Asphalt Crushing Facilities (LAC 33:III.317) (AQ321) 8/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ327 Offset Requirements and Emission Reduction Credits Banking (LAC 33:III.504, 601, 603, 605, 607, 615 and 619) (AQ327)
See final rule in November 2012.
8/20/2012 Proposed 9/26/2012 10/3/2012
AQ333 Toxic Emissions Reporting Requirements (LAC 33:III.5301, 5303 and 5307) (AQ333)
See final rule in November 2012.
8/20/2012 Proposed 9/26/2012 10/3/2012
AQ335ft Addition to List of Exempted Compounds (LAC 33:III.2117.A) (AQ335ft)
See final rule in November 2012.
8/20/2012 Proposed 9/26/2012 9/26/2012
WQ086ft Chapter 49 Incorporation by Reference Update (LAC 33:IX.4901 and 4903) (WQ086ft)
See final rule November 2012.
8/20/2012 Proposed 9/26/2012 9/26/2012
RP054ft Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Authorized User Clarification (LAC 33:XV.763 and 1599) (RP054ft)
See final rule in November 2012.
8/20/2012 Proposed 9/26/2012 9/26/2012
AQ332 Comprehensive Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Control Program (LAC 33:III.5101, 5103, 5107, 5109, 5113 and 5151) (AQ332)
See final rule in November 2012.
7/20/2012 Proposed 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
AQ334 EPA Notice (LAC 33:III.533)(AQ334)
See final rule in November 2012.
7/20/2012 Proposed 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
MM015 Amend References to the Office of Environmental Assessment (LAC 33:I, III, V, VI, IX, and XI) (MM015) 7/20/2012 Proposed 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
RP052ft Exemptions from Licensing, General Licenses and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing & Reporting Requirements (LAC 33:XV.304 and 328) (RP052ft)
See final rule in November 2012.
7/20/2012 Proposed 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
RP053ft Occupational Dose Records, Labeling Containers and the Total Effective Dose Equivalent(LAC 33:XV.102)(RP053ft)
See final rule in November 2012.
7/20/2012 Proposed 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
WQ085 Minor Revisions to Water Quality Standards Antidegradation Language (LAC 33:IX.1109 and 1119) (WQ085) 7/20/2012 Proposed 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
OS087f Permit Review Regulations (LAC 33:I.1503 and 1507) (OS087) 7/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
1207Pot1 Application of Groundwater Protection Fees at Various Sites in the State 7/20/2012 Potpourri N/A N/A
1207Pot2 Notice of Public Hearing Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule OS083 Stay of Permit Conditions Pending Administrative/Judicial Review (LAC 33:IX.309) (Log #OS083S) (1207Pot2) 7/20/2012 Potpourri 9/10/2012 9/10/2012
1207Pot3 Standard Performance Testing Requirements - Sources Not Subjected to Promulgated Federal or State Performance Testing Regulations
Editor's Note: This replaces Potpourri Notice 1206Pot1 which was published in June. This Notice corrects an error in the equation in the example given in June.
7/20/2012 Potpourri N/A N/A
1206Pot1 Standard Performance Testing Requirements (1206Pot1) 6/20/2012 Potpourri N/A N/A
AQ325ft 2011 Annual Incorporation by Reference of Certain Federal Air Quality Regulations(LAC 33:III.507.B.2, 2160.A, 3003, 5116.A, 5311.A and 5901.A) (AQ325ft) 5/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ326 Nonattainment New Source Review Procedures (LAC 33:III.504) (AQ326) 5/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
OS090 Waste Expedited Permitting Process(LAC 33:I.1801.B.4) (OS090) 5/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ327E1 Offset Requirements (LAC 33:III.504, 603, and 607) (AQ327E1) 4/26/2012 Emergency Rule N/A N/A
HW108ft OECD Requirements; Export Shipments of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries (LAC 33:V.109; 1101; 1113; 1127; 1301; 1516; 1531 and 4145) (HW108ft) 3/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
HW109ft Withdrawal of the Emission Comparable Fuel Exclusion (LAC 33:V.105 and 4909) (HW109ft) 3/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
HW110ft Hazardous Waste Technical Corrections and Clarifications (LAC 33:V.108, 109, 307, 1107, 1109, 1111, 1516, 2299, 2519, 2603, 4105, 4139, 4511, 4901 and 4903) (HW110ft) 3/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
AQ328ft PM2.5 Increments, Significant Impact Levels and Significant Monitoring Concentration (LAC 33:III.509)(AQ328ft) 3/20/2012 Proposed 4/25/2012 4/25/2012
AQ325ft 2011 Annual Incorporation by Reference of Certain Federal Air Quality Regulations(LAC 33:III.507.B.2, 2160.A, 3003, 5116.A, 5311.A and 5901.A) (AQ325ft) 2/20/2012 Proposed 3/28/2012 3/28/2012
1202Pot1 2008-2010 Permit Rule SIP, VOC Rule SIP, Misc Rule SIP and GHG Tailoring Rule SIP 1202Pot1 2/20/2012 Potpourri N/A N/A
AQ326 Nonattainment New Source Review Procedures(LAC 33:III.504)(AQ326) 1/20/2012 Proposed 2/28/2012 3/6/2012
OS083 Stay of Permit Conditions Pending Administrative/Judicial Review (LAC 33:I.401, 403, 405, 407, III.537, V.705 and IX.309) (OS083) 1/20/2012 Proposed 2/28/2012 3/6/2012
OS090 Waste Expedited Permitting Process(LAC 33:I.1801.B.4)(OS090) 1/20/2012 Proposed 2/28/2012 3/6/2012
1201Pot1 Stakeholder Meeting for Discharges of Produced Water to the Territorial Seas 1/20/2012 Potpourri N/A N/A
SW056 Removal of Recyclable Material from a Non-Processing Transfer Station (LAC 33:VII.508.N) (SW056) 1/20/2012 Final Expired Expired
RP053ft Occupational Dose Records, Labeling Containers and the Total Effective Dose Equivalent (LAC 33:XV.102) (RP053ft) 11/20/2012 Final Expired Expired