Applying for Accreditation

Thank you for your interest in obtaining accreditation with the Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program

If you are seeking accreditation then the first step is to read the regulations so that you can become accustomed to the requirements that will be necessary for your initial and continued accreditation.

For State Accreditation

For NELAP Accreditation


Now that you've read up on the regulations, fill out all the required paperwork below and send an electronic copy to LDEQ.LabAccreditationProgram@LA.GOV or a hard copy to 

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Office of Environmental Services
Public Participation and Permit Support Division
Permit Support and LELAP Section
P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA  70821-4313 

Physical Address: 602 North 5th St, BR, LA 70802

Attn: Tramecha Rankins


Application Form

LELAP Application for Accreditation

Please use Lab Accreditation Scope of Accreditation Request Spreadsheet to access the list of LELAP fields of testing. Follow this Guidance document to properly fill out the spreadsheet. If you have any issues, please email  LDEQ.LabAccreditationProgram@LA.GOV.


Please note that effective July 1, 2022 the fee schedule has been updated for all fees involved in the accreditation process. Please contact LELAP if you have any questions regarding this change.

Fee Information

Test Categories

Every year at the beginning of the Fiscal Year (July 1st), you will be responsible for paying the test category fee(s) for the test categories granted accreditation. If only one test category is sought, an "annual surveillance and evaluation fee" is included with the invoice.

Every 3 years from the fiscal year the initial application was submitted, your accreditation must be renewed and in addition to the test category fee(s) you will be responsible for another application fee.

During the Fiscal Year if you want to add new combinations to your Scope of Accreditation you will need to submit an Application Amendment Request and will be responsible for any application fee and test category fee(s) as applicable for any new test categories.