For Citizens Archives

LDEQ celebrates Black History Month - Spotlight on Herman Robinson 02/24/21
GOHSEP releases Self-Reporting Damage Survey for LA Winter Weather Event

GOHSEP releases Self-Reporting Damage Survey for LA Winter Weather Event

LDEQ celebrates Black History Month - Spotlight on Denise Bennett 02/17/21
Twentieth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order- COVID-19

The twentieth amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.

LDEQ celebrates Black History Month - Spotlight on Bobby Mayweather 02/08/21
Jefferson Parish Department of Environmental Affairs opens applications for first-ever Storm Water Leadership Awards

The Jefferson Parish Department of Environmental Affairs is now seeking applications for its first annual Storm Water Leadership Awards. This award is intended to recognize those individuals, businesses or organizations that strive for environmental leadership through programs and actions that improve storm water quality and/or quantity, thereby reducing the amount of pollution that enters Jefferson Parish waterways.

Hurricane Delta - Second Extension of Third Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

In the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster regarding Hurricane Delta

Hurricane Zeta - Second Extension of First Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

In the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster regarding Hurricane Zeta
