LDEQ to host CDX/NetDMR assistance sessions in January 2020
The Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) offers assistance with NetDMR. NetDMR is a web-based tool that allows facilities to electronically sign and submit Louisiana Pollution Elimination System (LPDES) discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) to the LDEQ.
Open burning household waste is illegal in Louisiana
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) reminds residents that any open burning of household waste, solid waste and chemicals is illegal in the state of Louisiana – whether conducted on private property or not. Open burning is harmful to those conducting the open burn as well as their families, neighbors, pets and livestock. The ash generated from an open burn contains toxic materials that contaminate our air, soil and ground water.
LDEQ to host webinar: Louisiana's Approach to the TMDL Program
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality’s (LDEQ) Enviroschool will hold a live webinar discussing Louisiana’s Approach to the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program.
Update on EPA's work to understand air concentrations of ethylene oxide
Update on EPA's work to understand air concentrations of ethylene oxide
LDEQ Listening Session #4 on HR 231-Voluntary Compliance Audit Program Study
LDEQ is hosting Listening Session #4 (Voluntary Audit Resources) on HR 231-Voluntary Compliance Audit Program Study on October 2
Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order
In the matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster: Tropical Storm Barry
Schedule for Listening Session Series on HR 231-Voluntary Compliance Audit Program Study
LDEQ will be hosting a series of listening sessions to study the establishment of a voluntary compliance audit program for industries regulated by our department. Click here for the schedule.