For Businesses Archives

Disaster Debris Management Information

Debris management information - includes currently approved Emergency Debris Sites for local governments

Tenth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - COVID-19

The tenth amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.

EPA Ready to Support FEMA, State Efforts on Hurricane Laura

EPA has an organized emergency response program for responding to man-made and natural disasters and is positioned to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), state, local, and tribal partners in response to Hurricane Laura.

Water Quality of Flood-Impacted Areas from Hurricane Laura

Today, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the following statement in regards to the water quality of flood-impacted areas from Hurricane Laura.

Hurricane Laura - Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

In the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster regarding Hurricane Laura

Southern University at Shreveport receives EPA Grant for Environmental Workforce Training 

Over the next 3 years, Southern University at Shreveport plans to train 60 students for the environmental workforce with a job placement/furthering education goal of at least 85%.

Ninth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - COVID-19

The ninth amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.

EPA issues Multipurpose grant to Louisiana to reduce paper waste

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a Multipurpose grant (MPG) to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources to analyze and review Underground Injection Control (UIC) permits. The state has developed a system to receive permits online rather than in paper form.
