• Online reports will be under maintenance from 3:00PM on 2/14/2025 to 8:00PM on 2/14/2025. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Thank you for using LDEQ’s Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). The EDMS contains all official records that have been created or received by LDEQ. To access all LDEQ public records, simply click the button below.

In keeping with the regulations on confidential and security-sensitive information, LDEQ continues to monitor and implement best practices for securing confidential and security-sensitive records and information. Therefore, documents pertaining to radiation are searchable, but not viewable through EDMS.

To view documents that are not available in EDMS, you may submit a Public Records Request using the online Public Records Request Form. You may also make an appointment to visit DEQ's Public Records Center or regional offices to view DEQ records. Hours are typically 8 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (Except during state holidays and state office closures.)

To make an appointment to visit one of our locations, please reach out to our Public Records team at or call at (225) 219-5584. For assistance or for more information on accessing documents, please visit LDEQ’s Information and Records page or use our contact form.

Thank you for using the EDMS. We value your patronage and will do everything possible to help you find the documents you seek.