For Businesses Archives

Twenty-Fourth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order- COVID-19

The twenty-fourth amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.

EPA Postpones Community Meeting on Ethylene Oxide Emissions in Westlake, La. 08/30/21
Hurricane Ida - First Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order 08/28/21
Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - In the Matter of Tropical Storm Ida 08/27/21
Hurricane Delta - Ninth Extension of Third Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

In the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster regarding Hurricane Delta

Hurricane Laura - Fourteenth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended.

Sixth Amendment to the Second Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - 2021 Winter Weather

In the matter of Potential Heavy Rain, Flash Floods and Wintery Weather Feb. 14, 2021

LDEQ has postponed August 5 meeting regarding Dresser site 08/04/21