Event Details

Cleaning Louisiana's Air: Understanding Air Quality Standards

Thursday, August 12, 2021
10:00 AM
Live Webinar


Under the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA), a State Implementation Plan (SIP) must be developed by each state that has areas designated nonattainment or for special programs, such as Regional Haze. A SIP is intended to describe how a state will attain and maintain national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). Included in the SIP requirements are established systems to monitor, compile, and analyze data on air quality. This presentation will discuss the 6 criteria pollutants for which standards are set, where Louisiana fits into each and the results that can be achieved when areas are designated nonattainment for a standard. Please register for this session by emailing: enviroschool@la.gov

Contact Person: Enviroschool
Contact Phone: 2252190877
Contact Email: enviroschool@la.gov