Featured Brownfield Tool: EPA’s “Understanding Brownfields” Fact Sheet Series

Aug 10, 2020

Interested in learning more about Brownfields? Looking for outreach and education resources to facilitate the reuse of Brownfield sites in your community? Check out EPA’s Brownfields Fact Sheets that provide clear, concise information in a simple, visual format based on the thousands of Brownfield sites assessed and cleaned up under EPA’s Brownfield and Land Revitalization Program. Available fact sheets include:

  • Assessment Brownfield Sites: Provides an overview of Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments to investigate environmental concerns at Brownfield sites.
  • Past Property Uses May Result in a Brownfield Site: Presents a chart of potential contamination often found at Brownfield sites based on past operations at the site.
  • Environmental Contaminants Often Found at Brownfields Sites: Provides information on environmental contamination related to past use(s) of a site as well as the health effects of those potential contaminants and how people and the environmental might be exposed.
  • Cleaning Up Brownfield Sites: Discusses common cleanup methods employed at Brownfield sites to address environmental contamination and prepare the site for reuse.
  • Reuse Possibilities for Brownfield Sites: Talks about the potential reuses of Brownfield sites to generate ideas for redevelopment of Brownfields in local communities.

Facts sheets are available in English and Spanish.

Access the EPA Brownfields Fact Sheets at:

EPA Brownfields Fact Sheets provide Simple, Visual Introduction to Brownfields

Example EPA Brownfields Fact Sheet