Reporting to the Criteria Pollutant Emissions Inventory or the Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory is based on many things and is determined by a review of the facility's air quality files, including the current air permit and application. Requirements to submit a Criteria Pollutant Emissions Inventory are outlined in LAC 33:III.919. Requirements to submit a Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory are outlined in LAC 33:III.Chapter 51.
Criteria Pollutant Emissions Inventories are due on April 30 of each year, pursuant to LAC 33:III.919. Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Inventories are due on April 30 of each year, pursuant to LAC 33:III.5107.
Certification statements are generated by the ERIC system when an inventory is submitted. The Department does not accept altered or alternate versions of the certification statement. Certification statements may be re-printed from the ERIC system by viewing the summary page of the inventory and clicking the link to download the certification statement.
Yes. The Office of Environmental Services issues extensions on an individual basis through the Air Permits variance process. Requests must be submitted at least two business days before the April 30th deadline to be considered. See the Variance for ERIC Instructions for instructions and links to the application form.
Yes. however written notification from LDEQ is no longer needed to discontinue emissions inventory reporting. Each facility is responsible for determining eligibility and may discontinue reporting when there is no longer a reporting requirement for the full calendar year.
Criteria pollutants are those pollutants that EPA has set national air quality standards for, which are:
The inventory captures 4 of the 6 criteria pollutants as well as some additional pollutants. The pollutants in the inventory are:
The inventory also captures toxic air pollutants (TAPS), and a list of these can be obtained in LAC 33:III.Chapter 51.
The Technical Fact Sheet on Non-VOCs gives guidance and lists for identifying VOCs and non-VOCs.
Visit the ERIC webpage for publicly available datasets and reports. If you need further assistance, contact DEQ's Public Records staff.
The ozone nonattainment parishes are:
The parishes adjoining the ozone nonattainment parishes are
All other parishes are considered attainment for ozone. For more information, visit our Ozone Pollution and Prevention site.
In July of 2006, the Calcasieu area was released from the reporting to Emissions Inventory at lower thresholds and returned to attainment thresholds as required by LAC 33:III.919.
Invoices & Accounts Receviables
These fees are based on emissions reported to the LDEQ on the Criteria & Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Certification Statement submitted to the Department.
Emission reported are rounded to the nearest whole Ton.
The fee schedule may be found in LAC 33:III.223.
The reporting year is indicated in the assessment details of the invoice. For example:
Air, REP20220001, Title V Emission Inventory Annual Fee
Inventory ID xxxxxxx, Revision 0 Report Year: 2022
NOx: 10 Tons, @ $20.00/Ton = Fee: $200.00
PM10: 10 Tons, @ $20.00/Ton = Fee: $200.00
Criteria VOC: 10 Tons, @ $20.00/Ton = Fee: $200.00
Total: Fee $600.00
The fees are owed as indicated for emissions reported and certified.
Each owner submits a separate emissions inventory for the period of ownership. Fees should reflect emissions reported for the company that submitted and certified the emissions inventory.
The fees are owed as indicated for emissions reported and certified.
You will need to submit a revision to your certified inventory. Please contact the Air Quality Planning Section to discuss these issues: Maureen Ducote - Maureen.Ducote@LA.GOV
Please contact us directly with your Agency Interest (AI) number, Invoice number, and correct address at the contact information below
Attn: Elizabeth Dequeant
LDEQ - Financial Services Division
PO Box 4303
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4303
Phone: (225) 219-5337
Fax: (225) 219-3868
Email: Elizabeth.Dequeant@LA.GOV