To ensure faster service, all Asbestos and Lead Accreditation Applications MUST be accompanied with one front face view 1 x 1-1/4" photograph for each discipline requested. Also, a check or money order made out to LDEQ must accompany your application. Please note, LDEQ does not accept cash.
View Accreditation and Notification Forms
Asbestos Training Providers
You may contact the LA Recognized Asbestos Training Providers for information regarding classes for schools and State Buildings Designated Person and Custodial and Maintenance Staff Training. For a current list of asbestos training courses, please contact or see the website info on the above Asbestos Training Providers list.
For accreditation purposes, training courses holding current approval from the EPA or from a state with an EPA-approved accreditation program are acceptable in Louisiana. However, in addition to these courses, Louisiana requires an additional 2-hour regulations course by a Louisiana recognized training provider. You may refer to the EPA National Directory of AHERA Accredited Courses (NDAAC) for further listings.
Louisiana Asbestos Accreditation Lists by Discipline
Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor
Asbestos Regulations
Louisiana Environmental Regulatory Code (ERC), Title 33:Part III
The asbestos regulations can be found in the Louisiana Air Quality Regulations, in Chapters 27 and 51.
Chapter 27: Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools and State Buildings Regulation. Includes provisions for Training Providers and Accreditations (LAC 33:III.Chapter 27)
Chapter 51 (§5151): Emission Standard for Asbestos. Subchapter M. includes Asbestos definitions and standards for Demolition and Renovation.
Demolishing Blighted Properties
Please click this link for information on the Notice of Intent regarding the asbestos regulation exemption for the demolition of blighted residential buildings.
Asbestos Demolition and Renovation Notification Project List
Do the Asbestos Regulations apply to you? Do you need an Asbestos Inspection? Find out now!
Contact Information
Questions for the Surveillance Division should go to 504-736-7728.
Questions about asbestos accreditations and notifications should be directed to the OES Public Participation and Permit Support Division at 225-219-3300.