The U. S. EPA Clean Diesel Program provides support for projects that protect human health and improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines. This program includes grants and rebates funded under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA).
Authority for clean diesel funding comes from DERA, part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. As stipulated by the Act
The LDEQ applies for funds from the thirty percent appropriation and makes these funds available to eligible parties, following guidelines established in
EPA awarded the first DERA grants in 2008, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grants in 2009, and grants from funds appropriated in Fiscal Years 2009 through 2016.
Project Period
To the extent resources are available, EPA finalizes program awards by October 1 of every year. The LDEQ anticipates that applications for the state DERA funds will be received, evaluated and awarded by the end of the calendar year. All funded projects must be completed by September 30 of the following year.
Please reference the 2023-2024 Applicant Guide for Louisiana Clean Diesel Grant Program for more details on how to apply.
Summary Statement
The LDEQ will award competitive grants to eligible organizations for projects that maximize the benefits to public health, create and/or sustain existing jobs, and reduce diesel emissions in Louisiana. Awarded grants will achieve diesel emissions reductions by retrofitting, upgrading, replacing, or reducing idling from on-road and off-road diesel engines and equipment. All projects shall use EPA or California Air Resource Board (CARB) Verified Technologies.
Program Priorities
Project funding for diesel emissions reduction grants will be consistent with the EPA Clean Diesel Program’s priorities in achieving the goals listed below:
LDEQ will commence expenditures and activities as quickly as possible consistent with prudent management when implementing this grant.
Eligible Diesel Fleets, Diesel Equipment, and Activities
Contact Information
For any questions and/or additional information:
Christine Foreman
Environmental Project Specialist
Office of Environmental Assessment