Ready-Mix Concrete/Hot-Mix Asphalt Plant

Related Industries:

  • Ready-mix cement plants, Hot mix asphalt production

Regulations in a Nutshell:

  • Ready-mix cement plants:Air permitting Air permitting- In some cases, exemptions from permitting may apply (i.e.-Act 918).
  • Louisiana State regulation LAC 33:III.13 limits particulate matter from being emitted.
  • Standards of Performance for Hot-Mix Asphalt Plants (NSPS) particulate matterOn or after the date of the performance test, the facility shall not discharge any gases that:Contain particulate matter in excess of 0.04 gr/dscf.
  • Exhibit greater than or equal to 20% opacity.

Reporting and Recordkeeping:

  • See "Specific Conditions" of air permit and water permit requirements for monitoring, testing, etc.

NSPS Reporting:

  • Owners and operators required to install continuous monitoring systems shall submit written report of emissions to the administrative authority every calendar quarter.

Important Dates:

  • August 17, 1971 - Grandfather date

Water Permit:

  • Storm water permit may be required based on the SIC (Standard Industry Classification) code.  Any process or storm water discharges will require various degrees of monitoring and possibly pre-treatment before release.

Housekeeping Suggestions:

  • Minimize discharge of spilled cement, aggregate, dust, etc. through regular sweeping of paved areas.
  • Store materials in enclosed containers or areas whenever possible.

Pollution Prevention Suggestions:

  • Perform regular inspections.
  • Maintain control equipment (i.e.- baghouses, etc.)
  • Service equipment to minimize fluid leaks.
    Use dust suppressants for stock piles and unpaved areas where needed