Performance Test Procedures

1. The facility shall notify Air Permits Division Engineering Support with a proposed test plan at least 30 days in advance of the planned test.

2. If deemed necessary, Engineering Support will arrange and conduct a pre-test conference to review the test procedures to be used and the unit’s operational mode during the test. The purpose of the pre-test conference is to ensure all parties are in agreement on testing procedures and how the process is to be operated during the test. The pretest meeting should include representation from LDEQ Engineering Support, the LDEQ Regional Office, the facility, and the testing contractor/consultant.

3. The pre-test meeting agenda shall include a discussion of methods to be used in testing, a description of the stack being tested, the number of runs that will be performed, length of the runs, operating conditions of the process during testing, and any other factors that might influence the test results. Normally, three one hour runs at maximum rates are conducted using EPA test methods or approved alternates.

4. A pre-test meeting summary report shall be prepared by the facility or its representative and sent to attendees prior to the test. This report shall describe in detail the emission test procedures as agreed to in the pre-test meeting. The purpose of the report is to ensure in advance that LDEQ, the facility, and the test performer are in agreement on the conduct of the emission test.

5. The facility shall submit two copies of the test report to the Engineering Support Group of the Air Permits Division within 60 days of performing the test, unless a different frequency is specified by the facility’s air permit. Engineering will evaluate the test report and send a letter to the facility with the results of the evaluation.

* Note: If a test notification is sent to the LDEQ and no response is received by the facility, the facility must contact the LDEQ before testing can begin