Data on Mercury in Louisiana
Fish tissue and related mercury data for over 500 locations statewide are available for a variety of species and media (fish tissue, vegetation, sediment, water). Some locations have periodic data going back to 1994.
The Louisiana Mercury Initiative data is available by accessing the LEAU Web Portal.
For questions regarding mercury data please contact the Water Planning and Assessment Division.
Educational Presentations and Recommendations
Fish Consumption and Swimming Advisories
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) Health/Fish Consumption Advisories Program, in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), issues advisories to help ensure the safe enjoyment of Louisiana 's water resources. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF) are also consulted during the course of advisory development and dissemination. An Interagency Agreement between the four agencies was agreed upon July 9, 2012.
Louisiana's fish consumption advisories are developed using a risk based public health assessment method which establishes consumption levels designed to prevent adverse effects. This approach is used to determine safe consumption levels for different segments of the population. For example, children and women of childbearing age (including pregnant/nursing women) are often considered separately in developing consumption advisories because these populations are generally at greater risk from eating contaminated seafood. Therefore, consumption advisories will often be stricter for these populations.
A trends report (2025) was developed by the EPA to investigate national trends in blood methylmercury concentrations and fish consumption among women 16-49 years of age. Decreasing trends in blood methylmercury concentrations suggest that women consuming fish are following the EPA-FDA advice about eating fish and shellfish (including local advisories).
For information on mercury (and other contaminant) advisories, please visit the *LDEQ Fish Consumption And Swimming Advisories* website. The LDH Current Mercury Advisories and Mercury in Fish websites may also be referenced.
In some cases, fish are sampled by the LDEQ in areas of suspected chemical contamination such as near facilities that have experienced spills or had poor wastewater management practices in the past. Where such problems are found, LDEQ is active in remediating contaminated areas where this is appropriate and in correcting the actions that caused the contamination to occur. Due to the widespread occurrence of mercury in Louisiana and the nation, popular fishing areas and many other water bodies statewide are sampled to determine the extent of risks due to mercury. Procedures developed by the LDH, LDEQ, LDWF and LDAF are then implemented to determine if a risk to human health exists. If it is determined there is a need for a health advisory, press releases are prepared for public dissemination of the information. Advisories are also published in LDWF's annual fishing regulations. However, because the regulations are published once a year, it is likely that new advisories have been established following release of the regulations.
The document, "Protocol for Issuing Public Health Advisories for Chemical Contaminants in Recreationally Caught Fish and Shellfish," presents details about how fish advisories are developed in Louisiana.
In addition to fish consumption advisory development and dissemination, LDH, in cooperation with LDEQ, issued a brochure describing how to choose, clean and cook recreationally caught fish and shellfish. The brochure, entitled Eating Recreationally Caught Seafood in Louisiana, describes ways to reduce the potential for consuming hazardous compounds that may be present and is recommended to the public.
The Tissue Screening Level (TSL) document is a companion document to Protocol for Issuing Public Health Advisories for Chemical Contaminants in Recreationally Caught Fish and Shellfish. This document provides screening levels for commonly encountered contaminants in seafood tissues. The TSL were developed based on exposure assumptions used in the advisory process. These levels are not intended to be applied as regulatory standards but rather are being proposed as a tool to assist regulated parties in identifying acceptable analytical detection limits for chemicals of concern (COC) in fish/shellfish tissue, evaluating sediment remedial strategies and alternatives, evaluating biomonitoring data, etc.
Statewide Mercury Remediation Sites
Mercury Risk Reduction Act
The Mercury Awareness-Prevention and Protection Video won an American Advertising Federation Gold Addy Award in 2006 in the category of Sales Promotion of Audio/Visual Sales Presentation. This award winning video was produced by Digital FX, Inc., a local Baton Rouge company.
For current advisories please refer to the LDEQ fish consumption advisory webpage or call 866-896-5337.
Last updated 3/14/2025