Air Emissions Inventory Prior Year Resources

About the Emissions Inventory Program

The Emissions Inventory Unit of the Air Permits Division is responsible for developing comprehensive criteria and toxic pollutant emissions inventories for the State of Louisiana. The emissions data are used for a variety of planning, regulatory and reporting purposes. The staff works closely with the regulated community, trade groups, and other state and federal agencies to develop and maintain high quality and current emissions data

Regulated point sources of criteria air pollutants must submit an inventory of annual criteria pollutant emissions pursuant to the requirements of LAC 33:III.919.  Detailed annual emissions data are maintained on nearly 1200 point sources going back to 1984, with the number of point sources changing each year.

In 2007, historical emissions data was migrated into a new web-based reporting system called ERIC - Emissions Reporting & Inventory Center.  ERIC's functionality includes a query tool for use by the public.

 2023 Reporting Year

  2022 Reporting Year

2021 Reporting Year

2020 Reporting Year

2019 Reporting Year

2018 Reporting Year

2017 Reporting Year

2016 Reporting Year

2015 Reporting Year

2014 Reporting Year

2013 Reporting Year

2012 Reporting Year

2011 Reporting Year

2010 Reporting Year

2009 Reporting Year

2008 Reporting Year

2007 Reporting Year

2006 Reporting Year

2005 Reporting Year

2004 Reporting Year


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