• LDEQ has issued an Air Quality Advisory for tomorrow, May 20, for ozone for the Baton Rouge area..


Clean Water State Revolving Fund IUP, Priority List, & Annual Reports

Intended Use Plan

The Intended Use Plan (IUP) is prepared each year to identify the intended uses of the funds available to the CWSRF and describes how these uses support the goals of the CWSRF program. The source of any funds expected to be received by the CWSRF during the year is identified in the IUP, as well as the recipients of funds expected to be disbursed from the CWSRF. Federal law requires that an IUP be prepared for each fiscal year.

The IUP is subject to public comment and review before being submitted to the EPA for approval. The IUP contains a list of all projects that have already been awarded construction assistance and that have not completely repaid the amount borrowed. Also included are projects listed on the Priority List that are eligible for construction assistance and a list of the nonpoint source and national estuary protection activities.

Priority List

A new Priority List is prepared each fiscal year and included in the IUP. The Priority List includes a listing of all potential projects or segments of projects that have not yet been funded, and that have submitted the required pre-application documents. The Priority List is presented at a Public Hearing and is then submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency each year as part of the Intended Use Plan.

It is not necessary to re-apply each fiscal year. Once pre-application documents have been accepted, the project will remain on the Priority List until funded, as long as progress continues to be made toward funding. No project can be placed on the fundable portion of the Intended Use Plan unless it is also on the Priority List for that year.

Projects may be removed from the Priority List if any of these events occur:

  • The project is funded through the CWSRF or receives funding from another source.
  • The project is constructed, regardless of the funding source.
  • There is no evidence of progress toward funding for a period of five years (project is assumed to be abandoned).


Annual Reports

The Annual Report is prepared each year to comply with federal regulations and requirements for the CWSRF program.  The Annual Report describes how LDEQ has met the goals and objectives identified in that fiscal year's IUP.