The 2001 Action Plan describes a national strategy to reduce the frequency, duration, size, and degree of oxygen depletion of the hypoxic zone of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The plan was submitted as a Report to Congress on January 18, 2001.
In 2006 as part of the reassessment, EPA’s Office of Water, on behalf of the Task Force, requested that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB) convene an independent panel to evaluate the state of the science regarding hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and potential nutrient mitigation and control options in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River basin (MARB). The Task Force was particularly interested in scientific advances since the Integrated Assessment and issued charge questions in three areas: characterization of hypoxia; nutrient fate, transport and sources; and the scientific basis for goals and management options.
Primary ecoregion development document for water standards.
This is a two-part webinar providing information on two subjects: Louisiana's Water Quality Program & Louisiana's 2018 Water Quality Integrated Report: 305(b) Report and 303(d) List. The Water Quality Program presentation covers LDEQ's authority to protect water and how this is accomplished. This includes an overview of standards, permitting, nonpoint source pollution and enforcement. This Integrated Report presentation gives an overview of surface water quality monitoring and assessment efforts by LDEQ as part of its Clean Water Act commitments.
This is a two-part webinar providing information on two subjects: Louisiana's Water Quality Program & Louisiana's 2018 Water Quality Integrated Report: 305(b) Report and 303(d) List. This Water Quality Program presentation covers LDEQ's authority to protect water and how this is accomplished. This includes an overview of standards, permitting, nonpoint source pollution and enforcement. The Integrated Report presentation gives an overview of surface water quality monitoring and assessment efforts by LDEQ as part of its Clean Water Act commitments.