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Nutrient Reduction and Management Strategy

USEPA. 2009. An Urgent Call to Action: Report of the State-EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group

The report presents a summary of scientific evidence and analysis that characterizes the scope and major sources of nutrient impacts nationally. The report also considers the tools currently used under existing federal authority and presents options for new, innovative tools to improve control of nutrient pollution sources.

USEPA. 2012. La Tangipahoa River: Reducing Human & Animal Waste Discharge Restored Rec Use

Waterbody Improved - Runoff from dairy farms carried animal waste into Louisiana’s Tangipahoa River, resulting in high bacteria counts and low dissolved oxygen concentrations. The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) listed the upper and lower reaches of the Tangipahoa River on the state’s 2000 Clean Water Act section 303(d) list of impaired waters for not meeting their designated uses of primary and secondary contact recreation. Twenty years of public outreach and strict enforcement significantly reduced fecal coliform counts, restoring the primary contact recreational use of both segments of the river and removing them from Louisiana’s 2008 303(d) impaired waters list for fecal coliform.

USEPA’s Monitoring and Assessment Program

The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) was a research program run by EPA’s Office of Research and Development to develop the tools necessary to monitor and assess the status and trends of national ecological resources. EMAP collected field data from 1990 to 2006. EMAP's goal was to develop the scientific understanding for translating environmental monitoring data from multiple spatial and temporal scales into assessments of current ecological condition and forecasts of future risks to our natural resources.

USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program was established in 1987 with a core group of biologists and a small budget for on-the-ground wetland restoration projects on private lands. This successful, results-oriented program has garnered support through the years and has grown into a larger and more diversified habitat restoration program assisting thousands of private landowners across the Nation. The Partners Program provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners and Tribes who are willing to work with us and other partners on a voluntary basis to help meet the habitat needs of our Federal Trust Species.

USGS Cooperative Water Program

The Cooperative Water Program, the largest of the 28 USGS Bureau Programs, is the Water Mission Area’s “bottom-up, on-the-ground” program that is designed to bring local, State, and Tribal water science needs and decision-making together with USGS national capabilities related to USGS nationally consistent methods and quality assurance; innovative monitoring technology, models, and analysis tools; and robust data management and delivery systems. The Program provides the foundation for USGS strong and robust water monitoring networks (quantity and quality) and supports interpretative studies – about 700 annually – that cover a wide range of issues that are important to the USGS water mission and that inform local, State, and Tribal water decisions. The significant tie to local, State, and Tribal issues allows the Cooperative Water Program to respond to emerging water issues, raising those issues to regional and national visibility. Because data and analyses adhere to strict national protocols, findings are directly comparable across local, State, regional and national levels; water issues in a specific watershed, municipality, or State can be compared to those in other geographic regions and at different periods of time; and large-scale syntheses and problem-solving in different regions and across the Nation are possible.

USGS EarthExplorer

A web-based visualization tool, looks to be very similar to USGS Global Visualization Viewer. GIS Imagery available for US, including Louisiana. Data collection types: aerial imagery, ASTER, EO-1, Landsat, Global Land Survey, MODIS, Terra. Data download available. Log in required to download data.

USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis)

The USGS Global Visualization Viewer is a quick and easy online search and order tool for selected satellite and aerial data. GIS Imagery available for US, including Louisiana. Data collection types: aerial imagery, ASTER, EO-1, Landsat, Global Land Survey, MODIS, Terra. Data download available. Looks similar to USGS Earth Explorer.

Virginia Credit Exchange Association, Inc.

The Virginia Nutrient Credit Exchange Association is a voluntary association of owners of 73 regulated municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial facilities discharging nitrogen and phosphorus within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The purpose of The Exchange is to coordinate and facilitate nutrient credit trading among its members with the goal of improving water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed efficiently and cost-effectively. The Exchange and Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Credit Exchange Program have been highly praised by various state and federal officials and others

Virginia’s Nutrient Management Program

Virginia’s nutrient management program includes several components that focus on reduction and control of nutrients from agriculture, landscape and other nonpoint sources. The program offers incentives such as tax credits for the purchase of farm nutrient application equipment and a poultry litter transportation credit of $15 per ton of litter. The program also includes nutrient management and certification training program for private and public sector managers.

Water Control Law

Established in Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 30, Chapter 4, Section 2071 et seq. (Louisiana Water Control Law). Declares waters of the state of Louisiana are among the state's most important natural resources and their continued protection and safeguard is of vital concern to the citizens of this state. To insure the proper protection and maintenance of the state's waters, authorizes adoption of a system to control and regulate the discharge of waste materials, pollutants, and other substances into the waters of the state.
