LPDES Application Forms

The following are Louisiana Pollution Elimination System (LPDES) permit applications for use when applying for a surface water discharge permit in the state of Louisiana. The types of applications are described below. They may be used for new discharge permits, as well as renewals. Submittal of an application may also be required for additions, revisions or modifications to existing effective permits. If you have any questions please contact the Water and Waste Permits Division at (225) 219-9371 or send mail to _DEQ-WWWWaterPermits@la.gov.

Please be aware that the Department has consolidated facility name changes, operator changes, and/or ownership changes under one set of requirements for all media.  Please utilize name and ownership change form, NOC-1, for these changes to your permits.


Form ID Description Downloadable Forms Last Updated
ARB-G Automotive Dealerships, Paint & Body Shops, Automotive Repair Facilities, Motorcycle Dealerships and Recreational Vehicle Dealerships (LAG470000) PDF MS Word 02/1/24
BCR-G Vessel Cleaning and/or Repair Facilities and Shipyards (LAG030000) PDF MS Word 02/14/23
CCAF-G Cement, Concrete, and Asphalt Facilities (LAG110000) PDF MS Word 09/08/23
CD-G Construction/Demolition Debris and Woodwaste (LAG780000) PDF MS Word 02/22/22
CW-G Discharges of Exterior Vehicle and Equipment Wash Water (LAG750000) PDF MS Word 06/28/23
CWOGF-G Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production facilities located within Coastal Waters (LAG330000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
DPST-G Dewatering of Petroleum Storage Tanks, Tank Beds, New Tanks and Excavations (LAG300000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
H2O-G Potable Water Treatment Facilities (LAG380000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
HST-G Discharge of Hydrostatic Test Wastewaters (LAG670000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
LCF-G Light Commercial Facilities (LAG480000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
PST-G Discharges  Resulting from Remediation Associated with Cleanup of Petroleum UST Systems (LAG830000) PDF MS Word 05/13/22
SCC3-G Sand and Gravel Extraction Facilities (include "pit run" operations, dirt pits, etc.) (LAG490000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
STED-G Short-Term and Emergency Discharges (LAG420000) PDF MS Word 04/14/22
TSOGF-G Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production facilities located within territorial seas of Louisiana (LAG260000) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
WPS-G Sanitary wastewater discharges less than 100,000 gallons per day (LAG53, LAG54, LAG56, and LAG57) PDF MS Word 02/16/22
Stormwater Permit Notices of Intent      
MS4-G Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (LAR040000) PDF MS Word 11/20/23
MSGP-G Stormwater discharges associated wtih Industrial activity (LAR050000) PDF MS Word 04/22/24
CSW-G Stormwater discharges associated with construction activity 5 acres or greater (LAR100000) PDF MS Word 04/22/24
NOE-G Notification of Extension of coverage under the LAR100000 PDF MS Word 05/03/22
NOEXP No Exposure Certification for Exclusion from LPDES Stormwater Permitting (LAR050000) PDF MS Word 05/03/22
DOTD-G Discharges of storm water associated with DOTD construction activities (LAR060000-DOTD Use only) PDF MS Word 03/11/22
Individual Permit Application Forms      
WPS-S Sanitary wastewater discharges: 100,000 gallons/day or greater; 25,000 gallons/day or greater discharging in the Vermillion-Teche River Basin; 25,000 gallons/day or greater discharging into the Red River, Atchafalaya River or Mississippi River; or any sanitary discharge with significant industrial input.   MS Word 04/10/18
WPS-WAP Sanitary Wastewater Permit Discharging into a Natural Wetland for Wetland Assimilation   MS Word 09/4/19

All Industrial Facilities

IND Instruction Form


As of September 23, 2024, all industrial forms (MIW, BRC, WPC, BST, NGF, and OSC) are no longer available.   Please use the IND application form for all facility types.  Old forms will be accepted through March 3, 2025.



N/A 9/23/24
O&G-IND Oil & Gas Exploration, Development & Production Facilities within Territorial Seas    MS Word 10/7/16
Other Forms
PTCM Application for a Pretreatment Control Mechanism (Industrial Discharger to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works)   MS Word  1/22/16
RPD Request for Preliminary Determination (Guidance request regarding permit type and potential limits)   MS Word  7/28/18
NOC-1 Notification of Change Form  PDF MS Word 5/23/23
DAR Duly Authorized Representative Form - Specific to Water Permits   MS Word  10/31/23
MWPP Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Plan  PDF     9/7/11
7402_00 Major Wetland Assimilation Facilities - Annual Wetland Monitoring Report for Years 1,2,3, and 5   MS Word 7/12/21
7401_00 Major Wetland Assimilation Facilities - Annual Wetland Monitoring Report for Year 4   MS Word 7/12/21
7400_00 Minor Wetland Assimilation Facilities - Annual Wetland Monitoring Report for Years 1,2,3, and 5   MS Word 7/12/21
7399_00 Minor Wetland Assimilation Facilities - Annual Wetland Monitoring Report for Year 4   MS Word 7/12/21
  Wetland Assimilation EDD   Excel 7/12/21