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CWSRF - Technical Assistance

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding allows states the flexibility to use 2% of the funds for the purpose of providing technical assistance (TA).

The Louisiana Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program has a plan to systematically utilize the Technical Assistance funds to target disadvantaged communities with less than 10,000 population which are also on the Department's non-compliance list.  These selected communities can now receive [free of charge] facility specific assistance to aid in the decision-making processes for any wastewater improvements.  Additionally, with a system-wide assessment and evaluation, these communities can situate themselves in a favorable position for obtaining future BIL funding for capital improvement projects.

The assistance and system-wide assessments will be carried out via a Cooperative Endeavor with Louisiana Rural Water Association (LRWA).  LRWA will be evaluating what the wastewater system may need to get back into compliance.  These needs could be operational changes, capital improvements, full or partial consolidations, rate study / increase / collection, technical or managerial training, etc.





LRWA Mini-Conference (October 2022) - CWSRF, BIL, Technical Assistance Presentation

LMA (July 2022) - CWSRF Presentation on BIL funding & Technical Assistance

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