CDX/NetDMR Training

Training for NetDMR is provided by both EPA and LDEQ. Information regarding account setup and DMR submission is very similar for both agencies.  Training links for both agencies and a list of LDEQ classes, including class descriptions, are provided below.


CDX to LOGIN.GOV Migration

*Beginning August 16, 2024, CDX/NetDMR will be transitioning to a new login process.  Login.gov will now be used for all user verification for existing and new users as part of an ongoing effort to enhance security and streamline access to EPA services. 

For assistance in making the transition with CDX/NetDMR account to Login.gov credentials, please utilize the printable step-by-step migration documents below, provided by LDEQ:

Migrating an Existing CDX Account with an Existing Login.gov Account

Migrating an Existing CDX Account and create a NEW Login.gov Account

For additional assistance, please email the NetDMR helpdesk at deqnetdmr@la.gov.

For EPA assistance with the migration, or to watch a migration video, please visit the NPDES e Reporting Tool Help Center at the following link (https://usepa.servicenowservices.com/oeca_icis/en/cdx-log-in-transition-to-login-gov-step-by-step-guide?id=kb_article_view&sys_kb_id=f00989601b4056989ee5404fe54bcbb1&spa=1)


EPA Training

EPA training is conducted via web conference only.  These trainings provide permittees and data providers with an overview of the NetDMR application which will enable the online submission of Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). Live webinar classes are scheduled periodically. A recording of the webinar is also available online for downloading and viewing.

Please check the EPA training website for additional information and resources (https://usepa.servicenowservices.com/oeca_icis?id=netdmr_homepage).

Note - The EPA training does not cover state specific attachment guidelines. LDEQ will only accept file attachments to DMRs in PDF format.


LDEQ Training

LDEQ offers four different types of assistance with NetDMR:

NetDMR Account Creation Assistance

Permittees are invited to attend this in-person assistance class to create an account within the NetDMR program.  LDEQ’s dedicated staff members will guide permittees step by step through successfully navigating the account setup process from start to finish.  This class will be conducted in a computer lab setting.  Please see our class schedule below, fill out the registration form and select a class date and corresponding time slot.

NetDMR Submittal Assistance

Permittees are invited to attend this in-person assistance class focused on entering data, signing, and submitting a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) online via the NetDMR portal.  LDEQ’s dedicated staff members will guide permittees through a step by step demonstration in successfully navigating the electronic submittal process from start to finish in the practice version of NetDMR, NetDMR Test.  Permittees do not need to have an established account, or DMR data from their facility to attend this presentation.  All NetDMR Test account information and DMR data will be provided for this demonstration.  This class will be conducted in a computer lab setting. Please see our class schedule below, fill out the registration form and select a class date and corresponding time slot.

Untangling the Web: Tips, Tricks and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Session (Webinar) -

Permittees are invited to attend this informational lecture on a deeper look at the NetDMR program for wastewater reporting. Topics include No Data Indicator (NODI) codes, frequent questions regarding Signatory setup and status, and the NetDMR Helpdesk's tips and tricks for streamlining use of the program.  Microsoft Teams will be used as the format for the Webinar. Please see our class schedule below, fill out the registration form and select a class date and corresponding time slot.

REPORTING 101: The Ins and Outs of Discharge Monitoring (Webinar)

Permittees are invited to attend this informational lecture on Wastewater Discharge Monitoring and Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). Topics include review of the basic parts of permits, how to reference a Master General permit, understanding permitted monitoring requirements, CDX/NetDMR accounts, and a look at electronic DMRs. Microsoft Teams will be used as the format for the Webinar.  Please see our class schedule below, fill out the registration form and select a class date and corresponding time slot.

LDEQ Training Schedule

The NetDMR classes are free but registration is required. If you have problems with the below registration link, call 225-219-3786 for assistance.



Type Date  Time Slots Available Location


REPORTING 101: The Ins and Outs of Discharge Monitoring



March 19, 2025



Untangling the Web: NetDMR Tips, Tricks and FAQs 



March 26, 2025 

9:00 - 11:30 AM Microsoft Teams 

NetDMR Account

Creation Assistance


April 7, 2025

1:00 - 3:30 PM

LDEQ Headquarters

602 North 5th Street

Baton Rouge, LA




Submittal Assistance



April 23, 2025 

1:00 - 3:30 PM 

LDEQ Headquarters

602 North 5th Street

Baton Rouge, LA




Submittal Assistance



April 25, 2025 

 9:00 - 11:30 AM

LDEQ Headquarters

602 North 5th Street

Baton Rouge, LA




REPORTING 101: The Ins and Outs of Discharge Monitoring




May 14, 2025

9:00 - 11:30 AM   Microsoft Teams 


Untangling the Web: NetDMR Tips, Tricks and FAQs 




May 21, 2025

1:00 - 3:30 PM  Microsoft Teams  


REPORTING 101: The Ins and Outs of Discharge Monitoring




June 2, 2025 

1:00 - 3:30 PM Microsoft Teams  


Untangling the Web: NetDMR Tips, Tricks and FAQs 



June 4, 2025

9:00 - 11:30 AM Microsoft Teams 

NetDMR Account

Creation Assistance


July 2, 2025

9:00 - 11:30 AM

LDEQ Headquarters

602 North 5th Street

Baton Rouge, LA



Submittal Assistance


July 23, 2025

1:00 - 3:30 PM

 LDEQ Headquarters

602 North 5th Street

Baton Rouge, LA



Submittal Assistance


July 25, 2025

9:00 - 11:30 AM

LDEQ Headquarters

602 North 5th Street

Baton Rouge, LA



REPORTING 101: The Ins and Outs of Discharge Monitoring




August 13, 2025 

9:00 - 11:30 AM Microsoft Teams  


Untangling the Web: NetDMR Tips, Tricks and FAQs 




August 20, 2025

1:00 - 3:30 PM  Microsoft Teams  


REPORTING 101: The Ins and Outs of Discharge Monitoring




September 8, 2025 

1:00 - 3:30 PM Microsoft Teams  


Untangling the Web: NetDMR Tips, Tricks and FAQs 



September 22, 2025

9:00 - 11:30 AM Microsoft Teams 


LDEQ Training Materials

*Beginning August 16, 2024, CDX/NetDMR will be transitioning to a new login process using the gateway of Login.gov. The training materials below reflect the updated version of CDX/NetDMR, which is set to be final for users on August 19, 2024.*

     -Main Presentation

     -Step by Step Guidance Documents

          Getting Started Overview

          Step 1 Creating an Account

          Step 2 Request Signatory Rights

          Step 2 Request Permit Administrator Rights

          Step 2 Request Edit or View Rights

          Step 2 Request Data Provider Rights

          Step 3 Entering DMR Data

          Step 4 Signing and Submitting


 For more information, please email deqnetdmr@la.gov.