LDEQ Raises Awareness to Protect Drinking Water

Jan 13, 2017

Baton Rouge - Over the next few months, members of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality’s Drinking Water Protection Team will be visiting local businesses to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the source of drinking water in St. Tammany Parish.

The drinking water supply in the parish comes from groundwater, which is stored in underground sand and gravel layers called aquifers. Our actions, such as how we dispose of waste or how we use or store chemicals and fuels, can have an impact on the aquifers. How commercial facilities are managed can impact aquifers as well.

The team will visit businesses that use or store fuels or chemicals and are located near public water supply wells to inform them about their drinking water sources and what they can do to help protect it. Business owners will be provided a Drinking Water Protection Partner decal that can be placed in their windows to show their awareness of and support for clean drinking water.

This public outreach campaign is part of the Drinking Water Protection Program, a voluntary program designed by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality to assist Louisiana communities in protecting their drinking water.

For more information, contact the Drinking Water Protection Team at 225-219-3510 or visit the website at www.DEQ.Louisiana.gov/AEPS.