TMDL Reports and Models

Draft TMDL / Alternative Reports for Public Review

Subsegment# Basin Title End of Comment Period

Final TMDL / Alternative Reports Approved by EPA

Subsegment# Basin Title Date Finalized
020501 Barataria St. Charles Canals and Bayous (including Main Canal)--Oxygen Demand 7/30/2004
020301 Barataria Bayou Des Allemands--Oxygen Demand 7/30/2004
020301 Barataria Appendices for Bayou Des Allemands--Oxygen Demand 7/30/2004
020101 Barataria Bayou Verret, Bayou Chevreuil, Bayou Citamon, and Grand Bayou TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/18/2011
020701 Barataria Bayou Segnette--Oxygen Demand 7/30/2004
020501 Barataria Appendices for St. Charles Parish Canals and Bayou (including Main Canal)--Oxygen Demand 7/30/2004
020701 Barataria Appendices for Bayou Segnette--Oxygen Demand 7/30/2004
020102 & 020103 Barataria Bayou Boeuf, Halpin Canal, and Theriot Canal (020102) and Lake Boeuf (020103) Revised TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 7/29/2011
120301 Bayou Terrebonne Final Revised Bayou Terrebonne Watershed TMDL for BOD and Nutrients 11/23/2015
030101 Calcasieu River Calcasieu River TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
030603 Calcasieu River Marsh Bayou TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
030802 Calcasieu River Hickory Branch TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
030701 Calcasieu River Bayou Serpent TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
030805 Calcasieu River Indian Bayou TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
031101 Calcasieu River Intracoastal Waterway TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
030804 Calcasieu River Little River TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
030501 Calcasieu River Whiskey Chitto Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
030804 Calcasieu River Basin Little River--Oxygen Demand 3/15/2002
030101, 030102, 030103 Calcasieu River Basin Calcasieu River-Dissolved Lead 5/31/2002
030805 Calcasieu River Basin Indian Bayou--Oxygen Demand 3/25/2002
030807 Calcasieu River Basin Bear Head Creek-Dissolved Lead 12/19/2003
030803 Calcasieu River Basin Beckwith Creek-Dissolved Lead 12/19/2003
030506, 030507 Calcasieu River Basin Bundicks Creek and Lake-Dissolved Lead 12/19/2003
030503, 030504 Calcasieu River Basin Six Mile Creek (including East/West Forks)-Dissolved Lead 12/19/2003
030103 Calcasieu River Basin Wasteload Allocation Report for Town of Kinder Sewage Treatment Plant 3/2/2005
030807 Calcasieu River Basin Bear Head Creek-Oxygen Demand 9/30/2002
030601, 030602 Calcasieu River Basin Barnes Creek-Oxygen Demand 5/31/2002
030104 Calcasieu River Basin Mill Creek--Oxygen Demand 9/2/2003
030101 Calcasieu River Basin Upper Calcasieu River-Oxygen Demand 9/2/2003
030305, 030801, 030806, 030901, 031001 Calcasieu River Basin Appendices for Calcasieu Tributaries--Oxygen Demand 7/1/2002
030305, 030801, 030806, 030901, 031001 Calcasieu River Basin Calcasieu Estuary, Contraband Bayou, West Fork Calcasieu River, Houston River, Bayou D'Inde, Bayou Choupique--Oxygen Demand (revised) 7/1/2002
030603 Calcasieu River Basin Marsh Bayou--Oxygen Demand 7/1/2002
030806 Calcasieu River Basin Houston River--Oxygen Demand 7/1/2002
030701 Calcasieu River Basin Bayou Serpent-Oxygen Demand 5/31/2002
040905, 040906, 040907, and 040908 Lake Pontchartrain Final Bayou Bonfouca and Bayou Liberty TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 10/19/2011
040305 Lake Pontchartrain Colyell Creek TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 7/29/2011
040603 Lake Pontchartrain Selsers Creek TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 7/29/2011
040303 Lake Pontchartrain Lower Amite River TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 5/20/2011
040201 Lake Pontchartrain Final Bayou Manchac TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances-Phase I 5/11/2011
040901 & 040902 Lake Pontchartrain Bayou Lacombe TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 3/2/2012
040304 Lake Pontchartrain Grays Creek Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 11/23/2010
040903 & 040904 Lake Pontchartrain Bayou Cane TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 6/10/2011
040802 & 040803 Lake Pontchartrain Lower Tchefuncte River TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 3/6/2012
050304 Mermentau River Bayou Blue TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
050601 Mermentau River Lacassine Bayou TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
050301 Mermentau River Bayou Nezpique TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
050303 Mermentau River Castor Creek TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
050603 Mermentau River Bayou Chene TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
050401 Mermentau River Basin Mermentau River-Oxygen Demand 2/25/2000
050101, 050103, 050201 Mermentau River Basin Bayou des Cannes-Oxygen Demand/Nutrients 2/25/2000
050301, 050302, 050303, 050304 Mermentau River Basin Bayou Nezpique-Oxygen Demand 2/25/2000
050501 Mermentau River Basin Bayou Queue de Tortue-Oxygen Demand/Nutrients 2/25/2000
050601 Mermentau River Basin Lacassine Mill Summary 4/10/2006
050601 Mermentau River Basin Bayou Lacassine-Oxygen Demand (revised) 9/2/2003
050201 Mermentau River Basin Bayou Plaquemine Brule-Oxygen Demand/Nutrients 2/25/2000
070505 Mississippi River Tunica Bayou Restoration Plan for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 10/5/2020
081608 Ouachita River Big Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
080606 Ouachita River Cypress Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
080906 Ouachita River Turkey Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
081607 Ouachita River Trout Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
080101 Ouachita River Basin Appendices for Ouachita River--Oxygen Demand 7/1/2002
080101 Ouachita River Basin A summary of the April 3, 2006 update and calculation of a Graphic Packaging allocation with respect to the Ouachita River flow at Monroe 3/2/2007
080903 Ouachita River Basin Big Creek Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances or Pollutants and Nutrients 5/31/2002
080909 Ouachita River Basin Crew Lake-Oxygen Demand 7/1/2002
080102 Ouachita River Basin Bayou Chauvin-Oxygen Demand/Nutrients (vol. 1) 5/31/2002
081606 Ouachita River Basin Fish Creek-Dissolved Lead 12/19/2003
080901 Ouachita River Basin Boeuf River--Oxygen Demand/Nutrients 7/1/2002
080701 Ouachita River Basin Bayou Desiard--Oxygen Demand/Nutrients 9/30/2002
081504 Ouachita River Basin Flat Creek--Oxygen Demand 11/13/2001
081501 Ouachita River Basin Castor Creek-Oxygen Demand 5/31/2002
080102 Ouachita River Basin Bayou Chauvin-Oxygen Demand/Nutrients (vol. 2) 5/31/2002
080603, 080609, 080610 Ouachita River Basin Bayou D'Arbonne, Middle Fork Bayou D'Arbonne, Corney Bayou--Oxygen Demand 7/1/2002
080101 Ouachita River Basin Ouachita River--Oxygen Demand/Nutrients 7/1/2002
090503 Pearl River Little Silver Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
090502 Pearl River Big Silver Creek TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
090207 Pearl River Middle and West Middle Pearl River TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
101101 Red River Cane River TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria 3/7/2011
100402 Red River Wasteload Allocation for Red Chute Bayou near Bossier City, Louisiana 8/25/1991
100402 Red River Addendum to waste load allocation for Red Chute Bayou near Bossier City 10/24/1997
100606 Red River Basin Bayou Pierre Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 4/26/2007
101303 Red River Basin Iatt Creek Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/18/2006
101506 Red River Basin Big Creek Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 8/12/2008
100605 Red River Basin Lake Edwards/Smithport Lake Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 10/19/2007
101605 Red River Basin Bayou Cocodrie Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/18/2006
110402 Sabine River Bayou Toro TMDL for Dissolved Lead 3/7/2011
110501 Sabine Rver Basin West Anacoco Creek Watershed TMDL For Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 1/15/2008
120104 Terrebonne Bayou Grosse Tete TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/18/2011
120111 Terrebonne Bayou Maringouin TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/18/2011
120206 Terrebonne Grand Bayou and Little Grand Bayou TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/18/2011
120303 Terrebonne Final Revised Bayou L'Eau Bleu Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients, Subsegment 120303 10/20/2016
120503 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Petit Caillou TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 1/25/2006
120111 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Maringouin TMDLs for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 1/25/2006
120507 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Chauvin Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 8/15/2007
120501 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Grand Caillou Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 4/7/2006
120301 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Terrebonne Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 4/15/2008
120201 Terrebonne Basin Lower Grand/Belle River Watershed Revised TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients - Final 9/15/2014
120302 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Folse Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 4/15/2008
120201 Terrebonne Basin Lower Grand/Belle River Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 7/10/2006
120206 Terrebonne Basin Grand Bayou Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 4/15/2008
120504 Terrebonne Basin Petit Caillou Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 4/15/2008
120505 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Du Large Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients 8/15/2007
120104 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Grosse Tete Watershed TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances and Nutrients, Including Bayou Portage and Bayou Fordoche 7/6/2007
120102, 120103, 120105, 120106, 120107, 120109, 120110 Terrebonne Basin Final Upper Terrebonne Basin Revised TMDL for BOD substances 06/25/2021
120605 Terrebonne Basin Bayou Pointe au Chien TMDL Report 11/7/2006
060201 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Bayou Cocodrie TMDL for Dissolved Copper 8/12/2008
060701, 060401 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Summary of Modeling for the Iberia Parish Sewerage District No. 1 POTW 4/6/2006
060301, 060401 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Addendum to the 2000 Bayou Teche TMDL for Biochemical Oxygen-Demanding Substances 11/30/2005
060301, 060401, 060501 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Bayou Teche Watershed TMDL for Dissolved Oxygen 2/25/2000
060204 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Bayou Courtableau-Oxygen Demand 2/25/2000
060702 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Lake Fausse Point and Dauterive Lake-Oxygen Demand/Nutrients (revised) 9/2/2003
060201 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Bayou Cocodrie-Copper 2/25/2000
060208 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Bayou Boeuf-Oxygen Demand 2/25/2000
060101, 060102, 060201, 060202, 060203 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Bayou Cocodrie/Lake Chicot System (revised)--Oxygen Demand 9/2/2003
060801, 060802 Vermilion-Teche River Basin Vermilion River-Oxygen Demand 4/5/2001
060901 Vermilion-Teche River Basin TMDL Addendum for Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients in Subsegment 060901 - -Bayou Petite Anse 2/22/2023