Emergency Response Archives

La EPA urge a las comunidades que se encuentran en la ruta del huracán Sally que eviten los peligros del aire interior, y que usen los generadores de manera segura

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los EE. UU. (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) recuerda a las comunidades, familias y dueños de negocios que tengan presentes las condiciones que podrían causar aire interior de mala calidad o peligroso después del huracán Sally.

Vietnamese version - EPA encourages generator safety 09/17/20
EPA Urges Communities in Hurricane Sally’s Path to Avoid Indoor Air Dangers, Use Generators Safely

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reminds communities, families and business owners to be aware of conditions that could lead to poor or dangerous indoor air quality following Hurricane Sally.

Eleventh Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - COVID-19

The eleventh amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.

EPA Supports Water System Recovery in Louisiana Communities Affected by Hurricane Laura

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has deployed resources and staff to communities in Louisiana dealing with drinking water and wastewater system outages during the recovery from Hurricane Laura.

Hurricane Laura - Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order

The Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order in the Matter of Natural and Catastrophic Disaster Hurricane Laura has been amended to extend through October 12, 2020.

EPA Tools for Communities Cleaning Up after Hurricane Laura

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reminds communities, families, and business owners affected by Hurricane Laura to take steps to make storm cleanup as safe and effective as possible. Cleanup activities related to returning to homes and businesses after a disaster can pose significant health and environmental challenges. Use caution to assure that all waste materials are removed and disposed of properly, following local guidelines.

Tenth Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order - COVID-19

The tenth amendment to the Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order declared on March 11, 2020, due to a statewide public health emergency, COVID-19, is now available.
