The City of Kenner works with DEQ to address historical sewer problems

Feb 11, 2014

Baton Rouge - The City of Kenner is working hard with various offices at the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality to address its historical sewer problems related to both collection and treatment systems. At present, significant progress has been made in the rehabilitation process but more work remains to get Kenner into full environmental compliance.

Since 2009, the city has borrowed $43 million in low-interest loans to fund rehabilitation and replacement work on its aging sewer system.

“I commend the City of Kenner, its Mayor and its Council, for the significant work completed thus far. I look forward to the day when Kenner achieves full environmental compliance,” DEQ Secretary Peggy Hatch said. “Upgrading the sewer system and resolving long standing compliance issues are important steps toward bringing Kenner into compliance. Additionally, an upgraded sewer system enhances any municipality’s ability to attract new businesses, as well as retain and expand existing businesses, all in an effort to spur job creation and growth,” Hatch added.

“We are pleased with the progress the City has made to date with respect to the infrastructure improvement projects associated with the low interest loans Kenner has received through the DEQ revolving loan program,” DEQ Deputy Secretary Alex Appeaning said. “To date, multiple lift stations and force mains have been built or rehabilitated. The City has also purchased several portable and permanent generators that are critical to keeping the sewer system operating during inclement weather,” Appeaning added.

“We appreciate the fact that Kenner has kept DEQ informed of issues that may have arisen with each step of the construction process and worked with the DEQ to resolve them,” DEQ Assistant Secretary for Environmental Services Sam Phillips said. “They have made significant strides in developing a working relationship with the agency which was not there some years ago,” Phillips added