Emissions Inventory Public Data Sets

LDEQ Point Source Emissions Inventory

**Before using the data from the radius report read the Limitations of the Actual and Permitted Emissions Reports document.

ERIC Annual Certified Emissions

The linked spreadsheet below contains both criteria and toxic emissions, arranged by facility and pollutant, for the years 1991 to present. The data set is updated quarterly to reflect revisions of inventory data by facilities and only includes the most recent certified inventory data.

The data is made available to the public for easy accessibility.  More detailed information is also available upon request by using a public records request. Information on Public Records can be found at the DEQ Public Records site.

Annual Certified Emissions Data 1991-2014 (Updated12/26/2024)
Annual Certified Emissions Data 2015-present (Updated 12/26/2024)

EPA's National Emissions Inventory

Common Air Pollutants
National Emissions Inventory Website

EPA's National Air Toxics Assessment

Air Toxics Website
Louisiana’s Air Toxics Program Q and A Document